“Шувууны үүрэн дээр миний хүү сүүдрээ тусгаж болдоггүй юм шүү. Эх нь голдог юм” гэж ээжий минь дандаа захидаг сан.
Энхрий үрээ энх нь голохыг би мэднэ. Хөөрхий тэр нялх амьтныг эх нь голбол агаар тэнгэрт салхи шиг хөөрөх унаган жигүүр яаж ургана. Ээжий үүнийг л захидаг байсан. Ээжийн захисан хэзээ ч үл мартагдана. Амьтны нялх үр сүүдэр тусахад хүртэл хиртэх тийм ариухан байдаг байна. Эхийн халуун сэтгэл гэдэг сүүдэр туссан үрээсээ хиртэм тийм тунгалаг байдаг байна.
Энэ л учир алив нэгэн жигүүрээ ургуулж амжаагүй амьтны үр дээр сүүдрээ тусгачхуузай хэмээн болгоомжилж, доошоо харж явнам. Энэ л учир алив нэгэн амьтны сүүдэр дор орчхож, ачит эхийнхээ хайрын сэтгэлийг хиртээчхүүзэй гэж эмээн дээшээ бас харж явнам.
Эхийн хэсгүүдийг өгүүлбэрээр хураасныг зөв дараалалд оруулаарай.
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Function: require_once
Ээжийн захиас, буруу зөвийг ялгах, эхийн сэтгэл тунгалаг, эхийн захиасыг санахB.
Эхийн сэтгэл тунгалаг, ээжийн захиас, эхийн захиасыг санах, буруу зөвийг ялгахC.
Эхийн сэтгэл тунгалаг, эхийн захиасыг санах, ээжийн захиас, буруу зөвийг ялгахD.
Ээжийн захиас, эхийн захиасыг санах, эхийн сэтгэл тунгалаг, буруу зөвийг ялгахE.
Ээжийн захиас, эхийн сэтгэл тунгалаг, буруу зөвийг ялгах, эхийн захиасыг санах
Read the passage . Than answer the questions below .
the pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and world fell in love with her . The film was Splash , and the mermaid was the famous actress , Daryl hannah , who has also starred in such films as Roxanne and Blade Runner .
Daryl is tall and slender . she has got long Blonde hair , large blue eyes . she looks fantastic in expensive clothes , but she prefers casual clothes which show off her natural beauty .
She is often in public eye, but she is actually very shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollywood parties . her shyness is a problem which she is trying to overcome with her friends help . Daryl is an extremely caring person , and she says that she forgets her own problems when she is helping others. she is also a romantic who believes in true love , so she wants to find someone very special before she stsrtes a family .
Daryl's lifestyle is quiet sinmple . When she is not working , her favorite activities are gardening , playing the piano and making pottery , all of which reveal the creative side of her character
She has strong vievs on the environment. she believes that over modern lifestyle is destroying the environment . For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an enveromentaly - friendly house. she says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature .
Underneath the success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl's very strong vievs on life. As she says , ''Find out what is important to you- and don't be afraid to live it!''
It Is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down- to -earth and sincere ina world where fame and succese can often harm one's are character.
What sort of clothes does she prefer to wear ?
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
she always wears jeans and jacket
she likes wearing traditional clothes
she hates casual clothes
she prefers to wear casual clothes
she doesn't pay attention it
Read the passage . Than answer the questions below .
the pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and world fell in love with her . The film was Splash , and the mermaid was the famous actress , Daryl hannah , who has also starred in such films as Roxanne and Blade Runner .
Daryl is tall and slender . she has got long Blonde hair , large blue eyes . she looks fantastic in expensive clothes , but she prefers casual clothes which show off her natural beauty .
She is often in public eye, but she is actually very shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollywood parties . her shyness is a problem which she is trying to overcome with her friends help . Daryl is an extremely caring person , and she says that she forgets her own problems when she is helping others. she is also a romantic who believes in true love , so she wants to find someone very special before she stsrtes a family .
Daryl's lifestyle is quiet sinmple . When she is not working , her favorite activities are gardening , playing the piano and making pottery , all of which reveal the creative side of her character
She has strong vievs on the environment. she believes that over modern lifestyle is destroying the environment . For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an enveromentaly - friendly house. she says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature .
Underneath the success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl's very strong vievs on life. As she says , ''Find out what is important to you- and don't be afraid to live it!''
It Is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down- to -earth and sincere ina world where fame and succese can often harm one's are character.
Daryl wants to build her own home because she
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
wants people to know her views
cannot find one she likes
cares about the environment
likes animals and countryside
dislikes old houses
Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Last week I visited the village of Portmeirion in the north of Wales. During my childhood, I'd enjoyed holidays in the area, Which is one of the most beautiful parts of Britian. However ,I'd never been to the village and I had always wanted to. I visited the village in the autumn, which was a good choice as it was less crowded than in the summer. I'd read about it's history and knew that the buildings were from many different styles and period but I hadn't realized how colorful they would be.
Portmeirion didn't exist in the nineteenth century. The first building didn't go up until 1926 and the last in 1976. It was built by Sir Clough Williams. From the age of 5, he dreamed of building his own village. He wanted to show that it was possible to build a village in a lovely area and not spoil it. In 1919 he sailed around the British coast for severel months looking for a suitable spot. He visited 22 possible sites before he found the place of his dreams at last, just 8 km away from his home.
Sir Clough had to build cheaply and quickly and I discovered that some of the buildings even have painted windows which were cheaper than putting in real windows! Some were built so that they look grander than they are . The windows in the bell tower,for example are smaller as you go up the tower,so it seems taller from the ground than it really is.
On my second day there I stood on the balcony of my hotel at dawn. As I looked ovver the Austrian style houses and Italian piazzas with the wonderful view of the welsh coastline in the back ground, i realized what Clough Williams was trying to do.
How many sites did Clough Williams visit before he found the place of his dreams?
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
20 possible sites
22 possible sites
21 possible sites
25 possible sites
23 possible sites
Read the passage . Than answer the questions below .
the pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and world fell in love with her . The film was Splash , and the mermaid was the famous actress , Daryl hannah , who has also starred in such films as Roxanne and Blade Runner .
Daryl is tall and slender . she has got long Blonde hair , large blue eyes . she looks fantastic in expensive clothes , but she prefers casual clothes which show off her natural beauty .
She is often in public eye, but she is actually very shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollywood parties . her shyness is a problem which she is trying to overcome with her friends help . Daryl is an extremely caring person , and she says that she forgets her own problems when she is helping others. she is also a romantic who believes in true love , so she wants to find someone very special before she stsrtes a family .
Daryl's lifestyle is quiet sinmple . When she is not working , her favorite activities are gardening , playing the piano and making pottery , all of which reveal the creative side of her character
She has strong vievs on the environment. she believes that over modern lifestyle is destroying the environment . For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an enveromentaly - friendly house. she says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature .
Underneath the success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl's very strong vievs on life. As she says , ''Find out what is important to you- and don't be afraid to live it!''
It Is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down- to -earth and sincere ina world where fame and succese can often harm one's are character.
In pargraph 2 the word slender means
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
“Шувууны үүрэн дээр миний хүү сүүдрээ тусгаж болдоггүй юм шүү. Эх нь голдог юм” гэж ээжий минь дандаа захидаг сан.
Энхрий үрээ энх нь голохыг би мэднэ. Хөөрхий тэр нялх амьтныг эх нь голбол агаар тэнгэрт салхи шиг хөөрөх унаган жигүүр яаж ургана. Ээжий үүнийг л захидаг байсан. Ээжийн захисан хэзээ ч үл мартагдана. Амьтны нялх үр сүүдэр тусахад хүртэл хиртэх тийм ариухан байдаг байна. Эхийн халуун сэтгэл гэдэг сүүдэр туссан үрээсээ хиртэм тийм тунгалаг байдаг байна.
Энэ л учир алив нэгэн жигүүрээ ургуулж амжаагүй амьтны үр дээр сүүдрээ тусгачхуузай хэмээн болгоомжилж, доошоо харж явнам. Энэ л учир алив нэгэн амьтны сүүдэр дор орчхож, ачит эхийнхээ хайрын сэтгэлийг хиртээчхүүзэй гэж эмээн дээшээ бас харж явнам.
"Агаар тэнгэрт салхи шиг хөөрөх унаган жигүүр яаж ургана" гэсэн өгүүлбэрийн дүрслэх ур маягийг тодорхойлоорой.
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
Read the passage . Than answer the questions below .
the pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and world fell in love with her . The film was Splash , and the mermaid was the famous actress , Daryl hannah , who has also starred in such films as Roxanne and Blade Runner .
Daryl is tall and slender . she has got long Blonde hair , large blue eyes . she looks fantastic in expensive clothes , but she prefers casual clothes which show off her natural beauty .
She is often in public eye, but she is actually very shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollywood parties . her shyness is a problem which she is trying to overcome with her friends help . Daryl is an extremely caring person , and she says that she forgets her own problems when she is helping others. she is also a romantic who believes in true love , so she wants to find someone very special before she stsrtes a family .
Daryl's lifestyle is quiet sinmple . When she is not working , her favorite activities are gardening , playing the piano and making pottery , all of which reveal the creative side of her character
She has strong vievs on the environment. she believes that over modern lifestyle is destroying the environment . For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an enveromentaly - friendly house. she says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature .
Underneath the success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl's very strong vievs on life. As she says , ''Find out what is important to you- and don't be afraid to live it!''
It Is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down- to -earth and sincere ina world where fame and succese can often harm one's are character.
In her free time Daryl enjoys
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Line: 845
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File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
doing creative activities
being with simple people
reading adventure books
writing music
resting in her garden
“Шувууны үүрэн дээр миний хүү сүүдрээ тусгаж болдоггүй юм шүү. Эх нь голдог юм” гэж ээжий минь дандаа захидаг сан.
Энхрий үрээ энх нь голохыг би мэднэ. Хөөрхий тэр нялх амьтныг эх нь голбол агаар тэнгэрт салхи шиг хөөрөх унаган жигүүр яаж ургана. Ээжий үүнийг л захидаг байсан. Ээжийн захисан хэзээ ч үл мартагдана. Амьтны нялх үр сүүдэр тусахад хүртэл хиртэх тийм ариухан байдаг байна. Эхийн халуун сэтгэл гэдэг сүүдэр туссан үрээсээ хиртэм тийм тунгалаг байдаг байна.
Энэ л учир алив нэгэн жигүүрээ ургуулж амжаагүй амьтны үр дээр сүүдрээ тусгачхуузай хэмээн болгоомжилж, доошоо харж явнам. Энэ л учир алив нэгэн амьтны сүүдэр дор орчхож, ачит эхийнхээ хайрын сэтгэлийг хиртээчхүүзэй гэж эмээн дээшээ бас харж явнам.
Зохиолч, ээжийгээ санан дурсаж буйгаа ямар ямар үгээр илэрхийлсэн бэ?
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Line: 845
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
голохыг, сүүдрээ тусгах, амьтны нялх үр, доошоо, дээшээ, ариуханB.
дандаа захидаг, хэзээ ч үл мартагдана, тунгалаг байдагC.
доошоо харж явнам, дээшээ харж явнам, орчхож, сүүдрээ тусгажD.
гэж, шиг, үл, тийм, учир, алив, энэ, дор, юм, шүү, л, бас, хэмээнE.
болдоггүй юм шүү, би мэднэ, яаж ургана, болгоомжилж, хиртээчхүүзэй
Read the passage . Than answer the questions below .
the pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and world fell in love with her . The film was Splash , and the mermaid was the famous actress , Daryl hannah , who has also starred in such films as Roxanne and Blade Runner .
Daryl is tall and slender . she has got long Blonde hair , large blue eyes . she looks fantastic in expensive clothes , but she prefers casual clothes which show off her natural beauty .
She is often in public eye, but she is actually very shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollywood parties . her shyness is a problem which she is trying to overcome with her friends help . Daryl is an extremely caring person , and she says that she forgets her own problems when she is helping others. she is also a romantic who believes in true love , so she wants to find someone very special before she stsrtes a family .
Daryl's lifestyle is quiet sinmple . When she is not working , her favorite activities are gardening , playing the piano and making pottery , all of which reveal the creative side of her character
She has strong vievs on the environment. she believes that over modern lifestyle is destroying the environment . For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an enveromentaly - friendly house. she says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature .
Underneath the success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl's very strong vievs on life. As she says , ''Find out what is important to you- and don't be afraid to live it!''
It Is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down- to -earth and sincere ina world where fame and succese can often harm one's are character.
One of Daryl's outstanding characteristics is that she
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
is always asking her friends for help
is willing to help others
doesn't pay attention to her friends
doesn't like people
gets others into trouble
Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Last week I visited the village of Portmeirion in the north of Wales. During my childhood, I'd enjoyed holidays in the area, Which is one of the most beautiful parts of Britian. However ,I'd never been to the village and I had always wanted to. I visited the village in the autumn, which was a good choice as it was less crowded than in the summer. I'd read about it's history and knew that the buildings were from many different styles and period but I hadn't realized how colorful they would be.
Portmeirion didn't exist in the nineteenth century. The first building didn't go up until 1926 and the last in 1976. It was built by Sir Clough Williams. From the age of 5, he dreamed of building his own village. He wanted to show that it was possible to build a village in a lovely area and not spoil it. In 1919 he sailed around the British coast for severel months looking for a suitable spot. He visited 22 possible sites before he found the place of his dreams at last, just 8 km away from his home.
Sir Clough had to build cheaply and quickly and I discovered that some of the buildings even have painted windows which were cheaper than putting in real windows! Some were built so that they look grander than they are . The windows in the bell tower,for example are smaller as you go up the tower,so it seems taller from the ground than it really is.
On my second day there I stood on the balcony of my hotel at dawn. As I looked ovver the Austrian style houses and Italian piazzas with the wonderful view of the welsh coastline in the back ground, i realized what Clough Williams was trying to do.
what did the writer find out about some of the buildings ?
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Line: 845
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
They was a mistake in their design.
They cost more to build than expected.
They aren't as big as they look
Some of the windows need to replace.
Some of the walls need to destroy.
Section4 : Reading
Read the passage . Than answer the questions below .
the pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and world fell in love with her . The film was Splash , and the mermaid was the famous actress , Daryl hannah , who has also starred in such films as Roxanne and Blade Runner .
Daryl is tall and slender . she has got long Blonde hair , large blue eyes . she looks fantastic in expensive clothes , but she prefers casual clothes which show off her natural beauty .
She is often in public eye, but she is actually very shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollywood parties . her shyness is a problem which she is trying to overcome with her friends help . Daryl is an extremely caring person , and she says that she forgets her own problems when she is helping others. she is also a romantic who believes in true love , so she wants to find someone very special before she stsrtes a family .
Daryl's lifestyle is quiet sinmple . When she is not working , her favorite activities are gardening , playing the piano and making pottery , all of which reveal the creative side of her character
She has strong vievs on the environment. she believes that over modern lifestyle is destroying the environment . For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an enveromentaly - friendly house. she says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature .
Underneath the success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl's very strong vievs on life. As she says , ''Find out what is important to you- and don't be afraid to live it!''
It Is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down- to -earth and sincere ina world where fame and succese can often harm one's are character.
In her everyday life, Daryl Hannah
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enjoys big parties
gets up late
is successful and selfish
feels uncomfortable in large groups of people
never goes to parties
“Шувууны үүрэн дээр миний хүү сүүдрээ тусгаж болдоггүй юм шүү. Эх нь голдог юм” гэж ээжий минь дандаа захидаг сан.
Энхрий үрээ энх нь голохыг би мэднэ. Хөөрхий тэр нялх амьтныг эх нь голбол агаар тэнгэрт салхи шиг хөөрөх унаган жигүүр яаж ургана. Ээжий үүнийг л захидаг байсан. Ээжийн захисан хэзээ ч үл мартагдана. Амьтны нялх үр сүүдэр тусахад хүртэл хиртэх тийм ариухан байдаг байна. Эхийн халуун сэтгэл гэдэг сүүдэр туссан үрээсээ хиртэм тийм тунгалаг байдаг байна.
Энэ л учир алив нэгэн жигүүрээ ургуулж амжаагүй амьтны үр дээр сүүдрээ тусгачхуузай хэмээн болгоомжилж, доошоо харж явнам. Энэ л учир алив нэгэн амьтны сүүдэр дор орчхож, ачит эхийнхээ хайрын сэтгэлийг хиртээчхүүзэй гэж эмээн дээшээ бас харж явнам.
Эхийн гол санааг илэрхийлсэн тулгуур өгүүлбэрийг олоорой.
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
Амьтны нялх үр сүүдэр тусахад хүртэл хиртэх тийм ариухан байдаг байна.B.
Эх нь үрээ голохыг би мэднэ. Хөөрхий ... ... Ээжийн захисан хэзээ чүл мартагдана.C.
Энэ л учир ... ... сүүдрээ тусгачхуузай. Энэ л учир ... ... сэтгэлийг хиртээчхүүзэй.D.
Эхийн халуун сэтгэл гэдэг сүүдэр туссан хиртэм тийм тунгалаг байдаг байна.E.
Шувууны үүрэн дээр миний хүү сүүдрээ тусгаж болдоггүй юм шүү. ююююююэх нь голдог юм.
Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Last week I visited the village of Portmeirion in the north of Wales. During my childhood, I'd enjoyed holidays in the area, Which is one of the most beautiful parts of Britian. However ,I'd never been to the village and I had always wanted to. I visited the village in the autumn, which was a good choice as it was less crowded than in the summer. I'd read about it's history and knew that the buildings were from many different styles and period but I hadn't realized how colorful they would be.
Portmeirion didn't exist in the nineteenth century. The first building didn't go up until 1926 and the last in 1976. It was built by Sir Clough Williams. From the age of 5, he dreamed of building his own village. He wanted to show that it was possible to build a village in a lovely area and not spoil it. In 1919 he sailed around the British coast for severel months looking for a suitable spot. He visited 22 possible sites before he found the place of his dreams at last, just 8 km away from his home.
Sir Clough had to build cheaply and quickly and I discovered that some of the buildings even have painted windows which were cheaper than putting in real windows! Some were built so that they look grander than they are . The windows in the bell tower,for example are smaller as you go up the tower,so it seems taller from the ground than it really is.
On my second day there I stood on the balcony of my hotel at dawn. As I looked ovver the Austrian style houses and Italian piazzas with the wonderful view of the welsh coastline in the back ground, i realized what Clough Williams was trying to do.
What was the aim of Clough Williams in 1919?
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Function: require_once
to build a village without damaging the natural surroundings.
to make an existing village more beautiful .
to build a village as close to his home as possible.
to visit as many villages as possible before building his own
to build the tallest building in the city center
the pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and world fell in love with her . The film was Splash , and the mermaid was the famous actress , Daryl hannah , who has also starred in such films as Roxanne and Blade Runner .
Daryl is tall and slender . she has got long Blonde hair , large blue eyes . she looks fantastic in expensive clothes , but she prefers casual clothes which show off her natural beauty .
She is often in public eye, but she is actually very shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollywood parties . her shyness is a problem which she is trying to overcome with her friends help . Daryl is an extremely caring person , and she says that she forgets her own problems when she is helping others. she is also a romantic who believes in true love , so she wants to find someone very special before she stsrtes a family .
Daryl's lifestyle is quiet sinmple . When she is not working , her favorite activities are gardening , playing the piano and making pottery , all of which reveal the creative side of her character
She has strong vievs on the environment. she believes that over modern lifestyle is destroying the environment . For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an enveromentaly - friendly house. she says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature .
Underneath the success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl's very strong vievs on life. As she says , ''Find out what is important to you- and don't be afraid to live it!''
It Is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down- to -earth and sincere ina world where fame and succese can often harm one's are character.
According to the article , Daryl Hannah is
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Function: require_once
a very pretty woman who has got short black hair .
a talented teacher
a hardworking gardener
a housewife who has four kids
a pretty famous actress.
Look at the sign . Then choose the correct explanation .
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
You cannot leave your car here.
You should leave your car here.
You cannot walk in the park
You cannot smoke in the park
Be careful! There is a parking
Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Last week I visited the village of Portmerion in the north of Wales. During my childhood, I'd enjoyed holidays in the area,Which is one of the most beautiful parts of Britian. However ,I'd never been to the village and I had always wanted to. I visited the village in the autumn,which was a good choice as it was less crowded than in the summer. I'd read about it's history and knew that the buildings were from many different styles and period bur I hadn't realized how colorful they would be.
Portmerion didn't exist in the nineteenth century. The first building didn't go up until 1926 and the last in 1976. It was built by Sir Clough Williams. From the age of 5, he dreamed of building his own village. He wanted to show that it was possible to build a village in a lovely area and not spoil it. In 1919 he sailed around the British coast for severel months looking for a suitable spot. He visited 22 possible sites before he found the place of his dreams at last,just 8 km away from his home.
Sir Clough had to build cheaply and quickly and I discovered that some oko the buildings even have painted windows which were cheaper than putting in real windows! Some were built so that they look grander than they are . The windows in the bell tower,for example are smaller as you go up the tower,so it seems taller from the ground than it really is.
On my second day there I stood on the balcony of my hotel at dawn. As I looked ovver the Austrian style houses and Italian piazzas with the wonderful view of the welsh coastline in the background,i realized what Clough Williams was trying to do.
Who built the first building?
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Function: require_once
David Franklin
Jade brown
Frances Clark
Professor James Kearns
Sir Clough Williams
Man: This sofa - armchair set looks nice , doesn't it ?
Woman: Yes, it is nice but i don't think it will fit in our living room.
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
The furniture is too expensiveB.
The armchair are too large to the sofaC.
The sofa is the right colorD.
The man doesn't like the furniture set.E.
The living room is too small
Man: Why didn't you go to the circus with your friend ?
Woman : ''_____________''
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
No, I dont but i want to.
I want to go there.
I am happy
I shall be free
I wanted to go there but i was i'll
Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Last week I visited the village of Portmerion in the north of Wales. During my childhood, I'd enjoyed holidays in the area,Which is one of the most beautiful parts of Britian. However ,I'd never been to the village and I had always wanted to. I visited the village in the autumn,which was a good choice as it was less crowded than in the summer. I'd read about it's history and knew that the buildings were from many different styles and period bur I hadn't realized how colorful they would be.
Portmerion didn't exist in the nineteenth century. The first building didn't go up until 1926 and the last in 1976. It was built by Sir Clough Williams. From the age of 5, he dreamed of building his own village. He wanted to show that it was possible to build a village in a lovely area and not spoil it. In 1919 he sailed around the British coast for severel months looking for a suitable spot. He visited 22 possible sites before he found the place of his dreams at last,just 8 km away from his home.
Sir Clough had to build cheaply and quickly and I discovered that some oko the buildings even have painted windows which were cheaper than putting in real windows! Some were built so that they look grander than they are . The windows in the bell tower,for example are smaller as you go up the tower,so it seems taller from the ground than it really is.
On my second day there I stood on the balcony of my hotel at dawn. As I looked ovver the Austrian style houses and Italian piazzas with the wonderful view of the welsh coastline in the background,i realized what Clough Williams was trying to do.
What surprised the writer about the village?
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
the number of visitors
the mixture of building
the beauty of area
the different colours used
the number of buildings
Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Last week I visited the village of Portmerion in the north of Wales. During my childhood, I'd enjoyed holidays in the area,Which is one of the most beautiful parts of Britian. However ,I'd never been to the village and I had always wanted to. I visited the village in the autumn,which was a good choice as it was less crowded than in the summer. I'd read about it's history and knew that the buildings were from many different styles and period bur I hadn't realized how colorful they would be.
Portmerion didn't exist in the nineteenth century. The first building didn't go up until 1926 and the last in 1976. It was built by Sir Clough Williams. From the age of 5, he dreamed of building his own village. He wanted to show that it was possible to build a village in a lovely area and not spoil it. In 1919 he sailed around the British coast for severel months looking for a suitable spot. He visited 22 possible sites before he found the place of his dreams at last,just 8 km away from his home.
Sir Clough had to build cheaply and quickly and I discovered that some oko the buildings even have painted windows which were cheaper than putting in real windows! Some were built so that they look grander than they are . The windows in the bell tower,for example are smaller as you go up the tower,so it seems taller from the ground than it really is.
On my second day there I stood on the balcony of my hotel at dawn. As I looked ovver the Austrian style houses and Italian piazzas with the wonderful view of the welsh coastline in the background,i realized what Clough Williams was trying to do.
Sir Clough Williams dreamed of building his own village when he was _______.
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Function: require_once
Man: ___________ ?
Woman: ''Yes , I think so .''
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Line: 12
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Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Who can read this book ?
Why is your friend so happy?
Where did you study ?
Will your parents be there?
Whose camera is this?
Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Last week I visited the village of Portmerion in the north of Wales. During my childhood, I'd enjoyed holidays in the area,Which is one of the most beautiful parts of Britian. However ,I'd never been to the village and I had always wanted to. I visited the village in the autumn,which was a good choice as it was less crowded than in the summer. I'd read about it's history and knew that the buildings were from many different styles and period but I hadn't realized how colorful they would be.
Portmerion didn't exist in the nineteenth century. The first building didn't go up until 1926 and the last in 1976. It was built by Sir Clough Williams. From the age of 5, he dreamed of building his own village. He wanted to show that it was possible to build a village in a lovely area and not spoil it. In 1919 he sailed around the British coast for severel months looking for a suitable spot. He visited 22 possible sites before he found the place of his dreams at last,just 8 km away from his home.
Sir Clough had to build cheaply and quickly and I discovered that some of the buildings even have painted windows which were cheaper than putting in real windows! Some were built so that they look grander than they are . The windows in the bell tower,for example are smaller as you go up the tower,so it seems taller from the ground than it really is.
On my second day there I stood on the balcony of my hotel at dawn. As I looked ovver the Austrian style houses and Italian piazzas with the wonderful view of the welsh coastline in the background,i realized what Clough Williams was trying to do.
What is the writer trying to do ?
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
to describe a visit to Portmeirion
to give information about were to stay in Portmeirion .
to compare Portmeirion to other similar villages.
to suggest what improvements could be made to Portmeirion.
to want to build the tallest building in the world.
_____--- continue .
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Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
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Line: 845
Function: display
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Line: 319
Function: require_once
go out
go on
look for
get up
put on
______--- a sudden violent movement of the ground causing damage.
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Line: 37
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Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
“Шувууны үүрэн дээр миний хүү сүүдрээ тусгаж болдоггүй юм шүү. Эх нь голдог юм” гэж ээжий минь дандаа захидаг сан.
Энхрий үрээ энх нь голохыг би мэднэ. Хөөрхий тэр нялх амьтныг эх нь голбол агаар тэнгэрт салхи шиг хөөрөх унаган жигүүр яаж ургана. Ээжий үүнийг л захидаг байсан. Ээжийн захисан хэзээ ч үл мартагдана. Амьтны нялх үр сүүдэр тусахад хүртэл хиртэх тийм ариухан байдаг байна. Эхийн халуун сэтгэл гэдэг сүүдэр туссан үрээсээ хиртэм тийм тунгалаг байдаг байна.
Энэ л учир алив нэгэн жигүүрээ ургуулж амжаагүй амьтны үр дээр сүүдрээ тусгачхуузай хэмээн болгоомжилж, доошоо харж явнам. Энэ л учир алив нэгэн амьтны сүүдэр дор орчхож, ачит эхийнхээ хайрын сэтгэлийг хиртээчхүүзэй гэж эмээн дээшээ бас харж явнам.
Эхийн сэдвийг илэрхийлсэн сэдвийг олоорой.
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Эр өсөж, ээжийн дээл багадав.B.
Суусан газраасаа шороо атгах.C.
Нөхрийн хэрэг бүтвэл өөрийн хэрэг бүтнэ.D.
Өдөр явсан явдлаа шөнө бод, өглөө хийсэн ажлаа орой ярь.E.
Жам ирвэл ах дээр зуд ирвэл бух дээр
_______--- feeling sure about your own ability .
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
_________--- a shop that sells medicines , and other goods .
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
post office
Эхийн гол санааг тодорхойлоорой.
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Эвт шаазгай буга барина.B.
Шуудайд хийсэн үхрийн эвэр шигC.
Үнэнч сэтгэлд үхэр чулуу уярдагD.
Цаг цагаар нэг цадна, цагаан сараар нэг цаднаE.
Аяганы хариу өдөртөө, агтны хариу жилдээ
_________--- make a place look better by putting things in the correct place .
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
__________ --- a person who writes the words and music for a song .
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
a captain
a lead singer
a musician
a song writer
a coach
Эхийн сэдвийг олоорой.
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Эв нэгдлийн тухайB.
Өвөг аавын аяганы тухайC.
Сөнөтэй айрагны тухайD.
Цагаан сарын тухайE.
Аавын захиас, сургамжийн тухай
Get_________ the bus at the train station, then walk about 100 metres and you will see the theatre.
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
"Өвөг аавын аягатай айргийг би ууна, би ууна" гсэн өгүүлбэрээр ямар санааг илэрхийлсэн бэ?
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Гэр бүлийн аз жаргалB.
Гэрийн тооныг харах гэсэнC.
Ач нарын хоорондын маргаанD.
Амсрыг нь мөнгөлсөн учирE.
Хөгжим шиг жингэнэх дууг сонсох
I suggested we should all go out for the concert but nobody else was keen ______ the idea.
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
You are afraid ___________ snakes, aren't you? .
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Аяга яагаад хөгжмийн утас шиг жингэнэн дуугарсан бэ?
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Өвөг аав тэр дууг хамт урласан учирB.
Сар шахуу бэлдэж хийсэн учирC.
Амсрыг нь мөнгөлсөн учирD.
Савхаар цохисон учирE.
Амсар дүүрэн айрагтай учир
______________ people only think about themselves .
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Mickey Mouse goes on a picnic.
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
a cartoon
a horror
a western
a musical
a romantic comedy
Аав хэзээ өвөг аавын аяганд айраг хийсэн бэ?
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Items::$keys2017
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 77
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/items/list.php
Line: 485
Function: __get
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/views/site/globals/layout.php
Line: 12
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 37
Function: view
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/application/controllers/site/Items.php
Line: 845
Function: display
File: /var/www/clients/client1/web9/web/public_html/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Цагаан сараас өмнөB.
Шинийн хоёрны өглөөC.
Гүү барихаас өмнөD.
Шинийн нэгний өглөөE.
Сар шахуугийн өмнө