Нээлттэй даалгавар (Нийт: 19,976)

Дэд агуулга:
Үнэлгээний зорилт:
Даалгаварын хэлбэр:
Х.Э чадамж
Ү. нэгж
Суралцахуйн ҮД
Гүйцэтгэл Т
Оноо: 1 №: 190

гэсэн урвалын хурд 0.05 моль/ ( л∙с ) болно. А бодисын анхны концентрац 0.60 моль/л бол 10 секундын дараах А бодисын концентрацыг тооцоолно уу.


  • A. 0.01 моль/ л 

  • B. 0.1 моль/л

  • C. 1.1 моль/ л 

  • D. 0.55 моль/ л 

Оноо: 1 №: 189

Этаналь болон пропанон  гэсэн 2 бодисыг хоёуланг нь танихад ашигладаг урвалжийг сонгоно уу.



  • А. зэсийн гидроксид  

  • В. мөнгөний оксидын аммиакын уусмал  

  • С. 2,4-динитрофенилгидразин

  • D. металл кали     

Оноо: 1 №: 188

Зэсийн гидроксидоор дараах бодисуудын алийг нь ялган таних вэ?


  • A.этаны хүчил

  • B. пропаны хүчил 

  • C. бутаны хүчил

  •  D. метаны хүчил  

Оноо: 1 №: 186

Химийн урвалд дараах хүчин зүйлсийг өөрчлөхөд түүний хурд яагаад өөрчлөгдөж буй шалтгааныг олж  харгалзуулж зурна уу.                                                                                   


Химийн урвалын хурдад нөлөөлөх хүчин зүйл


Хурд өөрчлөгдөж буй шалтгаан


Эх бодисын жижиг хэсгийн тоог ихэсгэх


Мөргөлдөлтийн тоо багасах учраас


Температурыг ихэсгэх


Концентраци нэмэгдэх учраас


Талст бодисыг нунтаглах


Шүргэлцлийн талбай ихэссэнээр тухайн бодист агуулагдах нийт жижиг хэсгийн тоо ихсэх учраас




Хангалтгүй энергитэй жижиг хэсгийн тоо нэмэгдэх учраас




Идэвхтэй буюу хангалттай энергитэй жижиг хэсгийн тоо ихсэх учраас




Шүргэлцлийн талбай ихэссэнээр химийн урвалд орох жижиг хэсгийн тоо нэмэгддэг учраас (Нийт жижиг хэсгийн тоо өөрчлөгдөхгүй)



  • A.  I b, II e, III c 

  • B. I b, II d, III a 

  • C. I g, II a, III d

  • D. I b, II e, III f

Оноо: 1 №: 185

7.8 г бензолыг шатаахад 326.76 кЖ дулаан ялгардаг бол бензолын шатах урвалын дулааны илрэл(∆H° )ийг бодож олно уу?



  • A. -1633.8 кЖ/моль  

  • B. -3267.6 кЖ/моль

  • C. -3518.9 кЖ/моль

  • D. -6535.2 кЖ/моль     

Оноо: 1 №: 184

Өгөгдсөн урвалын тэгшитгэлд үндэслэн органик урвалын ангиллыг зөв харгалзуулна уу.



  • A. 1В, 2Г, 3А, 4Б 

  • B. 1В, 2Г, 3Б, 4А

  • C. 1Г, 2Б, 3В, 4А

  • D. 1Г, 2В, 3А, 4Б

Оноо: 1 №: 183

урвалын шат бүхэнд үүсч байгаа А,Б бодисуудыг нэрлэ.   


  • A.Бензол, нитробензол

  • B.бензол, нитротолуол

  • C. циклогексан, бензол

  • D.Этан, нитроэтан

Оноо: 1 №: 182

Aцетилений тримержих урвалаар ямар нэгдэл үүсэх вэ?


  • A.Бензол 

  •  B.1,2,3-триметилбензол

  • C.1,3,5-триметилбензол

  • D.толуол

Оноо: 1 №: 181

Нэгэн 8.4 г масстай алкен 3.6 г усыг нэгдүүлж спирт үүсгэсэн бол уг алкены томьёог олно уу.


  • A. С2Н4 

  • B.  С3Н6

  • C.  С4Н8

  • D. С6Н12

Оноо: 1 №: 180

Шингэн төлөвт оршдог алканыг заана уу.


  • A. С3Н8 

  • B. С6Н14 

  • C.  С7Н14

  • D. С18Н38

Оноо: 1 №: 178

Концентрацтай хүхрийн хүчлийн оролцоотой этилбензол  ба азотын хүчил 1:3 харьцаагаар урвалд оржээ.Урвалын төрлийг зааж,ямар бүтээгдэхүүн үүссэнийг сонгоно уу.     





  • A.Халалцах,1-этил 2,4,6-тринитро  этил бензол  

  • B. Нэгдэх, 1,2,3-тринитро этилбензол

  • C. Нэгдэх,2,4,6-тринитро этилбензол 

  • D. Халалцах, 2,4,6-тринитро этилбензол

Оноо: 1 №: 177

3 хуруу шилэнд С3Н6, С3Н8, С6Н6 бодисууд байжээ.Эдгээрийн аль нь калийн перманганатын уусмалын өнгийг өөрчлөх вэ?


  • A. Бензол 

  • B. Пропан

  • C. Пропен 

  • D. Пропен ба бензол

Оноо: 1 №: 175

гэсэн хувирлын шат бүрт үүсч байгаа А, Б, В бодисуудыг нэрлэ.


  • A. Метан; этин; этанол

  • B. Этан; цууны альдегид; цууны хүчил

  • C. Этан; этилен; цууны хүчил 

  • D. Этан; этилен; этанол                                  

Оноо: 1 №: 174

гэсэн урвалд 4 г натрийн гидроксид орсон бол урвалаас ямар /А/ бодис, хэдэн грамм үүссэн бэ?


  • A. CH4; 1.6 г

  •  B. CH4; 3.2 г

  • C. C2H6; 1.5 г

  • D. C2H6; 3.0 г

Оноо: 1 №: 173

Кетоны ерөнхий томьёог сонгоно уу.


  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

Оноо: 1 №: 172

гэсэн хувирлын шат бүрт үүсэх А, Б, В бодисуудыг нэрлэнэ үү.





  • A. пропанол-1, пропаналь, пропаны хүчил 

  • B. пропан, пропанол, пропаны хүчил

  • C. пропен, пропанол-2, пропанон    

  • D. пропен, пропанол-1, пропаналь   

Оноо: 1 №: 171

   Явагдсан урвалыг нэрлэнэ үү.                                                                                                   




  • A. Гидрогенжих урвал  

  •   B. Гидрaтацийн урвал

  • C. Дегидрaтацийн урвал 

  • D. Дегидрогенжих урвал  

Оноо: 1 №: 573
Багц даалгавар

 Read and choose the correct answer.

An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and his brushes and painted from morning to evening, and then when it got dark he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before going to bed. At the end of his holiday, he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said” No, I don’t want money, but give me one of your pictures. What is money? In a week it will all finished, but your painting will still be here.

”The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about the paintings. The farmer smile and answered “ It is not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes here next month I will show him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think”

Where did the artist spend his holiday?





  • A. In a beautiful country

  •   B. On a farm

  • C.  With a farmer

  • D. With his paints and brushes

Оноо: 1 №: 574
Багцын даалгавар


What did he do during his holiday?





  • A. He went back to the farm.

  • B. He made paints and brushes.

  • C. He painted all day.

  • D. He went out every day.

Оноо: 1 №: 575
Багцын даалгавар

What did the farmer ask the artist for the end of the holiday?





  • A. Money

  • B. For his wages

  • C. Many pictures

  • D. A picture

Оноо: 1 №: 576
Багцын даалгавар

 Why was the artist very pleased with the farmer’s request?





  • A. Because he thought his picture were so beautiful.

  • B. Because he had so many kinds of pictures.

  • C. Because he would sell one of his pictures.

  • D. Because the farmer had thanked him.

Оноо: 1 №: 577
Багцын даалгавар

The farmer’s son didn’t want to become an artist any more.





  • A. Because he lived in London.

  • B. Because he had the artist’s picture.

  • C. After he had seen the artist’s picture.

  • D. When he came here.

Оноо: 1 №: 568
Багц даалгавар

 Read and choose the correct answer.

Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young people, others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in the film on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, mathematics and English. In England, or America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their own language , which is English, and mathematics and another language, perhaps French, or German or Spanish. Many adults learn English, because it is useful for their work. Teenagers  often learn English for their higher studies because some of want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

According to the writer





  • A. only adults learn English.

  • B. no children like learning English.

  • C. English id useful only to the teenagers.

  • D. English is popular in much of the world.

Оноо: 1 №: 569
Багцын даалгавар


Many people learn English by





  • A. watching videos only

  • B. hearing the language in the office

  • C. talking with the film stars

  • D. working hard on their lessons

Оноо: 1 №: 570
Багцын даалгавар

Many boys and girls learn English because





  • A. English can give them a job.

  • B. It is included in their study courses.

  • C. Their parents make them.

  • D. They have to study their own language.

Оноо: 1 №: 571
Багцын даалгавар

In America or Australia many school children study





  • A. English as a foreign language.

  • B. English and mathematics only.

  • C. Such foreign languages as French, German and Spanish.

  • D. Their own language and no foreign language.

Оноо: 1 №: 572
Багцын даалгавар

Many adults learn English because





  • A. Their work is useful.

  • B. They want to go to abroad.

  • C. Most of their books are in English.

  • D. It helps them in their work.

Оноо: 1 №: 563
Багц даалгавар

  Read and choose the correct answer.

Have you ever had the flu?  If you have, you know how miserable it can make you feel. Most kids will get the flu sometime during the school years. When you have the flu, you usually get a fever (which can be high), have a cough, feel very tired, and may have a sore throat as well. It can make you feel sick for a few days or for as long as a week.Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if you have the flu or a cold, but with the flu, you’ll usually have a higher fever and you feel much worse. The flu is a type of virus, which means medicine will only help the symptoms such as the cough and fever.  For most kids, the flu comes and goes, but for some, it can be a serious illness.

Most kids get the flu in the winter because germs spread more easily when kids are inside in settings such as classrooms. The best way o prevent from getting the flu is to wash your hands often, keep your hands to yourself, and go to your doctor for the flu shot or mist.


Based on the following sentence, which of the following might be another setting where the flu could easily spread?

Most kids get the flu in the winter because germs spread more easily when kids are inside settings such as classrooms.





  • A. A city park          

  • B. The baseball field  

  • C. A day care center    

  • D. A forest

Оноо: 1 №: 564
Багцын даалгавар

What is the best meaning of the word “ symptoms” as used in the following sentence?

The flu is a type of virus, which means medicine will only help the symptoms such as the cough and fever.





  • A. viruses

  •   B. colds

  • C. signs

  • D. medicines

Оноо: 1 №: 565
Багцын даалгавар


What question is answered in the first paragraph?





  • A. How do I prevent the flu?

  • B. How long does the flu last?

  • C. When does the flu spread?

  • D. How many people get the flu?

Оноо: 1 №: 566
Багцын даалгавар


What does the author IMPLY in the following sentence?

The flu is a type of virus, which means medicine will only help the symptoms such as the cough and fever.





  • A. Medicine will not help your fever or sore throat.

  • B. Medicine will not be able to kill the flu.

  • C. You should not bother taking medicine if you have the flu.

  • D. The flu is not really a virus.

Оноо: 1 №: 567
Багцын даалгавар

Which sentence has the same meaning as this sentence?

For most kids, the flu comes and goes , but for some , it can be a serious illness.





  • A. For the flu, kids can be a serious illness.

  • B. For most kids, the flu is a serious illness, but for some it comes and goes.

  • C. The flu comes and goes for some kids.

  • D. While the flu can be a serious illness, most kids who get it will recover.

Оноо: 1 №: 170

Урвалаар үүсэх бүтээгдэхүүн бодис Х-ийг тодорхойлно уу.                                                    



  • A.  бутин-1

  • B.  бутен-1

  • C.  бутин-2

  • D.  бутен-2

Оноо: 1 №: 548
Багц даалгавар

  Read and choose the correct answer.

Money is that you use to buy things. You may earn money from completing household chores, getting good grades, for your allowance, or for losing a tooth! Money is very important in our world and comes in many different forms.

            People have been using money for hundreds of years. Before money gave specific values for things, people simply traded items. In the United States, we use the dollar as our currency or money, but people in different parts of the world use different currencies, though some countries also use or accept our dollars.

            People earn money from the jobs they work and use that money to save for the future, pay for their houses, cars, food, taxes, medical needs and household items among other things. Even things such as turning the lights on, using the air conditioning or heat, and connecting the internet cost money.

Choose the things that money might not be used for





  • A. to pay you for doing your chores.

  • B. to buy things.

  • C. to save for the future.

  • D. to pay bills.

Оноо: 1 №: 549
Багцын даалгавар

According to the author of this story, money is





  • A. very important.

  • B. only used in America.

  • C. not very important.

  • D. only earned by adults.

Оноо: 1 №: 550
Багцын даалгавар

The dollar





  • A. is used in the United States.

  • B. is not used very much in the United States.

  • C. is used every country in the world.

  • D. is never used in other countries.

Оноо: 1 №: 551
Багцын даалгавар

How long have people used money?





  • A. Thousands of years.

  • B. Since the beginning of time.

  • C. Hundreds of years.

  • D. They started recently.

Оноо: 1 №: 552
Багцын даалгавар


What did people do before there was money?





  • A. People traded to get what they needed.

  • B. They just never got what they needed.

  • C. They made everything themselves.

  • D. The story doesn’t tell.

Оноо: 1 №: 168

гэсэн хувирлын шат бүрт үүсэх А,  В бодисыг нэрлэнэ үү.



  • А.  ксилол, бензойны хүчил

  •  В. толуол, бензойны хүчил    

  • С. хлорбензол, бензойны хүчил

  • D. хлорбензол, пентаны хүчил

Оноо: 1 №: 543
Багц даалгавар

Read and choose the correct answer.

Is it a bird? Is it plane? No, it’s a jet pod!

            Fed up sitting in traffic in the morning rush hour? Well, for London’s tired workers this may no longer be a problem. In a few years, “ flying taxis” or “ jet pods” may be a common sight in the skies of London. Commuters can park their cars at a “ Park – and – Fly” site and catch one of these miniature planes to work. Around 6 -6 minutes later, the planes will land on short runways in central London. The runways could be above rivers, railway stations or roads.

            The inventors of the “ jet pod” test flight could take place very soon. Each plane can carry 7 passengers and will probably cost about £15 one way for each passenger. It is quiet and environmentally friendly and will take about 37,000 cars off the road.

            So what do London commuters think of “ jet pod” ?  Well, Ken Williams, businessman in the City of London , thinks it is a great idea. “ This is exactly what London needs” he says.

I will definitely be first in the queue when the “ jet pod” starts!

 What is a common sight in the skies of London?





  • A. Commuters

  • B. People

  • C. Jet pods

  • D. Tired workers

Оноо: 1 №: 544
Багцын даалгавар

How long will the planes land after?





  • A. in 4-6 minutes

  • B. before 4-6 minutes

  • C. 4 – 6 minutes ago

  • D. till 4 -6 minutes

Оноо: 1 №: 545
Багцын даалгавар

The runways could be above





  • A. railway stations

  • B. rivers

  • C. roads

  • D. railway stations, rivers or roads

Оноо: 1 №: 546
Багцын даалгавар


How much does it cost one way?





  • A. 15 Dollars

  • B. 15 Pounds

  • C. 15 Cents

  • D. 15 Euros

Оноо: 1 №: 547
Багцын даалгавар


Who says “ This is exactly London needs” ?





  • A. Businessman

  • B. Businessmen

  • C. Businesswoman

  • D. Businesswomen

Оноо: 1 №: 167

Явагдсан урвалыг нэрлэнэ үү.     




  • A. Гидрогенжих урвал

  • B. Гидрaтацийн урвал

  • C. Дегидрaтацийн урвал

  • D. Дегидрогенжих урвал     

Оноо: 1 №: 165

 Дараах нэгдлүүдээс аль нь мөнгөний оксидын аммиакийн уусмалтай урвалд орох вэ?    


  • A. бут-1-ен

  • B. бут-2-ен

  • C. бут-1-ин

  • D. бут-2-ин

Оноо: 1 №: 538
Багц даалгавар

  Read and choose the correct answer.

World  language

Today, millions of people want to learn to improve their English but it is difficult to find the best method. Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country?

The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the language all the time you are in the country. You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other people. In Italy, it is always possible, in the class, to speak Italian if you want to and the learning is slower.

On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study.  You don’t have to make big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot of cheaper than going to Britain but it is never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in Italy, I think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to a school.

So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to spend some time in the UK.  This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in Italy is the only viable option.  The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximize your opportunities:  to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside the class.

What is the article about?





  • A. How many people learn English.

  • B. The best way to learn English.

  • C. English schools in England and America.

  • D. How to travel to Italy.

Оноо: 1 №: 539
Багцын даалгавар

What is one of the advantages of going to the UK to learn English?





  • A. There are no Italians in Britain.

  • B. You will have to speak English and not your language.

  • C. The language schools are better.

  • D. There are many chances.

Оноо: 1 №: 540
Багцын даалгавар

What is one of the advantages of staying in your country to learn English?





  • A. The teachers aren’t very good in Britain.

  • B. You have to work too hard in Britain.

  • C. Your life can continue more or less as it was before.

  • D.  You have a big chance.

Оноо: 1 №: 541
Багцын даалгавар

People who don’t have a lot of time and money should





  • A. learn English in Britain.

  • B. try and speak English in class more often.

  • C. go to Italy to learn English.

  • D.  go to your country.

Оноо: 1 №: 542
Багцын даалгавар

“ whenever” means





  • A. every time that a particular thing happens

  • B.  position or situation which happens

  • C. wanted or needed

  • D. it does not matter who does something

Оноо: 1 №: 533
Багц даалгавар

 Read and choose the correct answer.

Life in Tudor Times.

The six powerful Tudor kings and queens ruled England from 1485- 1603. The most famous king was Henry VIII, who married six times and beheaded two of wives. It was one of the most exciting times in Britain history but whether you rich or

poor, life could be very difficult.

Rich Tudors lived in fine houses with many rooms and big windows. Poor country people lived in small wooden houses with mud floors. In the towns, the streets were narrow, gloomy and crowded, which made it easy for criminals to steal from shops and people. Wealthy people and noblemen owned land or even helped The King or Queen to rule the country. Most people, however, were poor and worked in the countryside. Slightly rich people worked as craftsmen and merchants in the towns. Tudor shops had picture signs outside to show people what they sold, as many people could not read.

In Tudor times rich people often held huge banquets where they ate far too much. They had quite an unhealthy diet as they ate lots of very salty meat from the animals they owned or hunted. They also ate very little fruit, vegetable, milk, butter and eggs as they thought these foods were only suitable for poor people to eat.

It was the law that every man had to practice archery every Sunday morning! Rich people liked to fence and play tennis while ordinary people played games like bowls, hockey and football or went to the theatre. William Shakespeare lived in Tudor times. His plays are still performed all over the world.

Who lived in nice houses with a lot of rooms and big windows?





  • A. Poor people

  • B. The Queen

  • C. Rich Tudor

  • D. Craftsmen

Оноо: 1 №: 534
Багцын даалгавар

What did rich people eat in the banquets?





  • A. fruit, vegetable and milk

  • B. eggs and vegetables

  • C. salty meat

  • D. fruit and milk

Оноо: 1 №: 535
Багцын даалгавар

How did noblemen help to the King or Queen?





  • A. owned land

  • B. worked in the countryside

  • C. worked in the town

  • D. ruled the country

Оноо: 1 №: 536
Багцын даалгавар

Why did Tudors shops have picture signs outside the shop?





  • A. Because many people could not read

  • B. Because many people could not buy

  • C. Because many people could not sell

  • D. Because many people could not show

Оноо: 1 №: 537
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What was the law every Sunday?





  • A. practice fencing

  • B. practice tennis

  • C. practice hockey

  • D. practice archery

Оноо: 1 №: 528
Багц даалгавар

  Read and choose the correct answer.

Pacific Coast Highway 1

One of the best ways to see California is on a road trip.

One of the most impressive is along the Pacific coast on Highway 1.

Stop 1: Ride up and down San Francisco’s steep streets on a cable car. Don’t miss a visit to see the most popular sight in the city, the Golden Gate Bridge.

Stop 2: Drive along the “ Big Sur” coastline with its spectacular cliffs and sandy beaches. Look out for the ancient Redwood trees, the oldest trees in the world. Some of them are up to 2,000 years  old and they are as tall as skyscrapers!

Stop 3: Stop and see the elephant seals at Piedras Blancas. Their breeding season is from December to February. Then the females go to Alaska to give birth to their pups and return in the autumn.

Stop 4: Last stop – Hearst Castle! This fairytale mansion has 165 rooms including 56 bedrooms and 61 bathrooms. There is also a cinema,  two swimming pools and beautiful gardens. You can even see zebras there.

Cable cars are  the most popular sight in San Francisco.


  • A. True 

  • B. False             

  • C. Doesn’t say

Оноо: 1 №: 529
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There are skyscrapers along the Big Sur coastline.


  • A. True         

  • B. False    

  • C. Doesn’t say

Оноо: 1 №: 530
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Elephant seal pups are born in Alaska.


  • A. True    

  • B. False     

  • C. Doesn’t say

Оноо: 1 №: 531
Багцын даалгавар

There are wild animals at Hearst Castle.


  • A. True       

  • B. False        

  • C. Doesn’t say

Оноо: 1 №: 532
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Lots of tourists visit Hearst Castle.


  • A. True       

  • B. False     

  • C. Doesn’t say

Оноо: 1 №: 523
Багц даалгавар

Read and choose the correct answer.

Wonder dog pulls owner from the car crash.

Endal the wonder dog, already named Dog of the Millennium and Brightest dog on Earth, made national news headlines again yesterday after a car hit the owner’s wheelchair outside of a hotel.

In 1991, Allen Parton was sitting outside the hotel when the speeding car threw him from his chair and knocked him out. While he was unconscious, Endal rolled him over with his teeth into the recovery position. After this he got a blanket from his bag and covered him with it! The dog then got Allen’s mobile phone out of his bag and held the phone up to his face. Finally he ran back to the hotel and barked until people came out to help. Allen didn’t know that Endal could do any of these things. Mister Parton was disabled from the tragic accident. For years now , Endal has been everything to him: his best friend, his banker, his travel agent, his home help and many other things. “ He even buys the ticket on the bus and collects it from the machine” says Allen. “ He has helped me in so many ways”

Endal made the headlines again when





  • A. a hotel worker hit his owner.

  • B. his owner was in an accident.

  • C .he became “Brightest dog” on Earth.

  • D. he was unconscious

Оноо: 1 №: 524
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When the accident happened, Allen





  • A. was just arriving at a hotel.

  • B. was sitting outside of a hotel.

  • C. was at a dog show.

  • D. was news headlines.

Оноо: 1 №: 525
Багцын даалгавар

The first thing Endal did after the accident was





  • A. roll Allen over and cover him with a blanket.

  • B. run back to the hotel and get help

  • C. get Allen’s mobile phone from the bag.

  • D. barked until people came out

Оноо: 1 №: 526
Багцын даалгавар

Endal is important to Allen because





  • A. he buys his ticket on the bus.

  • B. he’s a very friendly dog.

  • C. he helps him with many things.

  • D. he collects the tickets.

Оноо: 1 №: 527
Багцын даалгавар

“ speeding” means





  • A.  fast

  • B. slow

  • C. quiet

  • D. disabled

Оноо: 1 №: 513
Багц даалгавар

 Read and choose the correct answer.

Bison have not always lived in North America, they are relative newcomers. They belong to the Bovidae family, like domestic cattle and wild buffalo of Africa and Asia. The oldest known bison fossils have been found in China and Himalayan foothills, where an animal with all the essential features of the genus lived a million years ago. They evolved rapidly and spread over most of the northern hemisphere in Europe and Siberia.

During one of the Ice Ages, the faunas of Asia and North America began to intermingle. Very early, the steppe bison moved eastward to the North American continent. Much later, men followed the same route.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?


  • A.The classification of Asian and North American fauna

  • B.A hypothesis of the evolution of the bison

  • C.An analysis of the bison genus in the Bovidae family

  • D.An introduction to the North American bison

Оноо: 1 №: 514
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 According to the passage, what is true about the evolution of the bison?


  • A.Their ancestors were domestic cattle and wild buffalo

  • B.They evolved from the steppe bison.

  • C.Their beginning was in Africa and Asia.

  • DThey originated in China and in the Himalayas.

Оноо: 1 №: 515
Багцын даалгавар

According to the passage, when did the bison move to North America?


  • A.Over a million years ago

  • B.Early in man’s habitation of North America.

  • C.During one of the Ice Age.

  • D.Relative recently in North American history.

Оноо: 1 №: 516
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According to the passage, the bison moved from Asia to North America by


  • A.crossing the sea.

  • B.climbing over a bridge.

  • C.travelling through the foothills.

  • D.walking over the land.

Оноо: 1 №: 517
Багцын даалгавар

The passage would most likely be assigned reading for courses in which of the following subjects?


  • A.American history

  • B.Modern science       

  • C.Zoology

  • D.Anthropology

Оноо: 1 №: 508
Багц даалгавар

 Read and choose the correct answer.

For many years people believed that the cleverest animals after man were chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than these big apes. Although a dolphin lives in the sea it is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a human being.

Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand.  

Dolphins are also very friendly towards man. They often follow ships. There are many stories of dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous water.

Which animals do people think may be the cleverest?


  • A.Chimpanzees

  • B.Mammals

  • C.Big apes

  • D.Dolphins

Оноо: 1 №: 509
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What other beings are dolphins like in many ways?





  • A. Fish

  • B. Animals

  • C. Reptiles

  • D. Men

Оноо: 1 №: 510
Багцын даалгавар

What have scientists discovered about dolphins?





  • A. They understand simple language.

  • B. They can speak to one another.

  • C. Men can now talk to them.

  • D. They can teach men their languages.

Оноо: 1 №: 511
Багцын даалгавар


Why is the third language necessary if man wants to talk to dolphins?





  • A.  Most men do not speak English.

  • B. The dolphin language is hard to learn.

  • C. Dolphins cannot hear men speaking.

  • D. Men want to talk to dolphins in secret.

Оноо: 1 №: 512
Багцын даалгавар


In what way are dolphins are friendly to man?





  • A. They like interesting things about man.

  • B. They often follow ships.

  • C. They often jump on to ships.

  • D. They seem like stories.                

Оноо: 1 №: 507

ODD ONE OUT: Choose the odd one out.


  • A. screen  

  • B. cough   

  • C. backache  

  • D. rash

Оноо: 1 №: 506

ODD ONE OUT: Choose the odd one out.


  • A. comedy 

  • B. ferry  

  • C. action  

  • D. adventure

Оноо: 1 №: 505

ODD ONE OUT: Choose the odd one out.


  • A. hospital   

  • B. zoo  

  • C. take   

  • D. factory

Оноо: 1 №: 504

ODD ONE OUT: Choose the odd one out.


  • A. milk   

  • B. coffee 

  • C. tie    

  • D. orange juice

Оноо: 1 №: 503

ODD ONE OUT: Choose the odd one out.


  • A. leather   

  • B. dress 

  • C. shorts      

  • D. skirt

Оноо: 1 №: 502

ODD ONE OUT: Choose the odd one out.


  • A. wool      

  • B. boots 

  • C. cotton    

  • D. leather

Оноо: 1 №: 501

ODD ONE OUT: Choose the odd one out.


  • A. pillows  

  • B. cooker   

  • C. beds    

  • D. lamps

Оноо: 1 №: 500

ODD ONE OUT: Choose the odd one out.


  • A. ski    

  • B. jump     

  • C. chair    

  • D. cook

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