Дараах молекулуудын аль нь молекул хоорондын устөрөгчийн холбоогоор холбогдох вэ?
А. KCl
С. NH4Cl
D. NaF
Тригональ бүтэцтэй молекулыг сонгоно уу.
A. HCl
C. CO2
D. CCl4
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
Would you mind ……..the dog, please?
A. walk
B. walking
C. to walk
D. walks
Хэрэв неоны 20Ne, 21Ne, 22Ne гэсэн масстай изотопуудын байгаль дахь тархалт харгалзан 90.92%, 0.25%, 8.82% бол неоны дундаж харьцангуй атом массыг олно уу.
А.18.18 м.а.н
В.21 м.а.н
С. 19.94 м.а.н
D. 20.18 м.а.н
Хүхрийн хүчлийн нэг молекулын массыг олно уу.
А. 1.67∙10-24 г
B. 98 г / моль
С. 16.28 ∙10-23 г
D. 98 н.н
Ковалент, ионы болон координацын ковалентын холбоо агуулсан нэгдлийг нэрлэнэ үү.
A.хүхрийн хүчил
B.натрийн хлорид
C.аммонийн хлорид
D. натрийн сульфат
СН3СН2СН(ОН )СН=СНСООН нэгдлийг олон улсын нэршлийн дүрмийн дагуу нэрлэнэ үү.
A. 4-гидрокси гекс-2-ены хүчил
B. 4-гидрокси гексаны хүчил
C. 1-карбокси гекс-2-ен--4-ол
D. 1-карбокси 4-гидрокси гекс-2-ен
Нүүрстөрөгчийн атом эрлийзжилтийн sp төлөвт байхад орбиталиуд нь орон зайд харилцан ямар өнцгөөр байрлах вэ?
A. 107o5’
B. 109o5′
C. 120o
D. 180o
Буцлах температураараа адилхан изомерийн хосыг сонгоно уу
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
Sorry, I ……..go now. I’m late for a meeting.
A. mustn’t
B. must
C. has to
D. doesn’t have to
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
I ……..understand what he was saying because he was speaking Spanish?
A. couldn’t
B. can
C. can’t
D. should
Дараах нэгдлийн бүтцийг ажиглаад нэрийг сонгоно уу.
HC ≡ C - CH2 – CH2 – CH2 - CH = CH2
A. Гептин-1 ен – 6
B. Гептен -2 ин - 7
C. Гептин-2 ен - 7
D. Гептeн -1 ин - 6
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
My grandfather is ……..the bed at the moment. He’s not feeling well.
A. in
B. near
C. behind
D. in front of
гэсэн томьёо бүхий бодисууд ямар бодисууд болохыг сонгоно уу.
А. гомологууд
В. изомерүүд
C. изотопууд
D. Нэг бодис
Дараах томьёотой нэгдлүүдийн нэршлийг харгалзуулна уу.
A. 1Г, 2Б, 3А, 4В
B. 1В, 2Г, 3Б, 4А
C. 1Б, 2В, 3Г, 4А
D. 1А, 2Г, 3Б, 4В
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
After the party, there was rubbish ........the floor.
A. in
B. on
C. under
D. at
Цис-транс изомертой нэгдлийн нэрийг сонгоно уу.
A. 2-метил бутен-2
B. 3-метил бутен-1
C. пентен-2
D. пентен-1
Reading. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.
The cardinal is a beautiful bird found in North America. It is an active, medium-sized bird that is often found in backyards, parks, and even cities. The male is bright red with a black mask and small crest. The female is light brown with red feathers on her crest and wings. Both the male and female have thick bills for cracking seeds! Cardinals are members of the finch family. Males and females mate for life and often stay in the same area year-round.
Did you know that the cardinal is the official bird of seven different states? Two professional sports teams are called the "cardinals," and several college sports teams are called the "cardinals."
Where are cardinals found?
A.In America
B.In steppe
C.In desert
D.In North America
How does the author start the second paragraph?
A.With a statement
B. With a question
C. With a quotation
D.With an opinion
How are male and female cardinals alike?
A.They are both bright red
B.They are both light brown
C.They have thick bills
D.They are both large-sized birds
Which adjective is NOT used by the author in describing the cardinal?
B. beautiful
C. active
D. Happy
Which is not true?
A.Cardinals mate for life
B. Cardinals can be found in backyards
C. Some college sports teams are named "cardinals."
D. Male and female cardinals look the same
урвалын төрөл болон урвалын механизмын төрлийг тодорхойлно уу.
A. нэгдэх,электрофиль
B. нэгдэх,нуклефиль
C. халах,электрофиль
D.халах, нуклеофиль
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
My sister is sitting …….. her mother and father in the picture.
A. at
B. next to
C. between
D. on
Хэрэв полипропилений молийн масс нь ойролцоогоор 46200 г/моль бол полимерийг үүсгэж буй мономерийн тоог тооцоолно уу.
C. 1050
Органик бодисын бүтцийн хураангуй томьёог сонгоно уу.
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
I found a gold coin ........some shells on the beach.
A. among
B. at
C. under
D. in
Reading. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.
Walt Disney was born on 5 December 1901, in Chicago. His parents were of German/English and Irish descent. As a child, the Disney family moved between Marceline in Missouri, Kansas City and back to Chicago. The young Walt Disney developed an interest in art and took lessons at the Kansas City Institute and later Chicago Art Institute. He became the cartoonist for the school magazine.
When America joined the First World War, Walt dropped out of school and tried to enlist in the army. He was rejected for being underage, but he was later able to join in the Red Cross and in late 1918 was sent to France to drive an ambulance.
In 1919, he moved back to Kansas City where he got a series of jobs, before finding employment in his area of greatest interest – the film industry. It was working for the Kansas City Film Ad company that he gained the opportunity to begin working in the relatively new field of animation. Walt used his talent as a cartoonist to start his first work.
The success of his early cartoons enabled him to set up his own studio called Laugh-O-Gram. However, the popularity of his cartoons was not matched by his ability to run a profitable business. With high labor costs, the firm went bankrupt. After his first failure, he decided to move to Hollywood, California which was home to the growing film industry in America. This ability to overcome adversity was a standard feature of Disney’s career.
“All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”
His parents were of German/English and Irish descent.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
He became the photographer for the school magazine.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
During World War I, Walt dropped out of school.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
Walt used his talent as a cartoonist to start his second work.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
All the troubles have strengthened him.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
The dog is hiding…….. the chair.
A. in
B. on
C. under
D. of
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
My sister is going to visit her grandmother........June.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. from
Reading. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.
Indira married Feroze Gandhi in 1942. The couple had two sons Rajiv and Sanjay. Her husband died of a heart attack in 1960 and Sanjay – who was destined to be her political heir – perished in a plane crash in 1980. Devastated by the loss of Sanjay, Indira persuaded a reluctant Rajiv to quit his job and enter into politics. After his mother’s assassination in 1984, he served as Indian Prime Minister from 1984-89.
Indira Gandhi was a rare example of a woman rising to the most powerful position in Indian society. She did not consider herself a feminist but was concerned with issues relating to women and she saw her own success as proof that talented women could rise to the top. During her administration, equal pay for men and women was enshrined in the constitution. In a speech on “True Liberation of Women”, March 26, 1980, she said: “To be liberated, woman must feel free to be herself, not in rivalry to man but in the context of her own capacity and her personality.”
She also sought to mobilize Indian woman for the cause of Indian Independence.
Indira and Feroze Gandhi had 2 sons.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
Rajiv voluntarily worked as Indian Prime Minister.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
Indira Gandhi was the powerful woman in Indian society.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
Indira was a feminist.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
She said: “To be liberated, man must feel free to be himself.”
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
My friend is going to visit her grandmother……..Sunday.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. from
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
That is the ........way to travel, isn’t it?
A. quickest
B. quick
C. quicker
D. quickly
томьёотой нүүрс-устөрөгчид хэдэн сигма болон пи холбоо агуулагдах вэ?
Сигма пи
A. 11 2
Сигма пи
B. 12 2
Сигма пи
C. 13 1
Сигма пи
D. 14 1
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
Which is the smallest continent ……..the world?
A. of
B. off
C. in
D. on
Reading. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.
Liverpool city council want to clear the city of fat pigeons. They say that people are feeding the birds, which makes them fat. The pigeons get bigger because their normal diet would consist of seeds and insects, not high-fat junk food they are eating in the city center.
The council want people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons is responsible for the streets being so crowded with these birds. They hope to encourage the birds to move away from the city center and into parks and open spaces.
Ten robotic birds have been brought into the city center to scare the pigeons away and visitors are asked not to give the pigeons any food. The mechanical birds - known as 'robots' - will sit on the roofs of buildings. They can be moved around to different locations. They look like a peregrine falcon, which is a bird that kills pigeons. They even make noises and flap their wings to scare the pigeons. They hope that the pigeons will go away before the city becomes the European Capital of Culture in two years.
Pigeons are fatter in Liverpool than in other cities.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
Pigeons get fat because they eat seeds and insects.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
Visitors shouldn't feed the pigeons.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
The robotic birds are similar to pigeons.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
Liverpool is the European Capital of Culture.
B. No
C. Doesn’t say
Нэгэн нүүрсустөрөгчийн азоттой харьцуулсан нягт нь 3 бол ямар нүүрсустөрөгч вэ?
A. Гексaн
B. Гексен
C. Пентан
D. Пентен
Дуу чимээний чанга сул нь тухайн дууны хүчнээс хамаарах томъёо байдаг. Энд - дууны хүч; - нь хүний сонсож чадах хамгийн бүдэг дууны хүч юм. Утасны сэрүүлэгний дууны хүч байхаар тааруулав. Утас хэр чанга дуугаргах вэ? (нэгж нь децибилл)
ТОмъёонд зөв орлуулсан бол 1 оноо
Утгыг зөв бодож гаргасан бол 1 оноо
Дараах үйл явц интерфазын аль үе шатанд явагддаг вэ?
A. G1
B. S
C. G2
D. G0
C. .
GRAMMAR: Choose the correct item.
Venus is ........brightest planet in the sky.
A. a
B. the
C. an
D. -
илэрхийллийн утгыг ол.
Эгч дүү хроматидуудыг холбодог хэсгийг заасан тоог олно уу.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Кубын гол диагональ бол түүний гадаргуун талбайг ол.
B. 24
D. 96