Put the sentence in the correct order.
women the to in wear 1880s fancy dresses used
In the 1880s women used to wear fancy dresses.
Put the sentence in the correct order.
the called largest the world what is sea in ?
What is the largest sea in the world called?
Put the sentence in the correct order.
Terelj after 2p.m. are to that we the heading camp
After that, we are heading to the Terelj camp at 2p.m.
Write questions for the sentence.
Bataa feels sad when his plan doesn’t go as he plans it.
When does Bataa feel sad?
Write questions for the sentence.
I like historic buildings in Italy most.
Which / What do you like in Italy most?Or Which buildings in Italy do you like most?
Write questions for the sentence.
We sometimes do sums at Math class. Also, we often solve math problems.
How often do you do sums at Math class?
Write questions for the sentence.
I have read 20 books this year.
How many books have you read this year?
Write questions for the sentence.
I usually spend 2000 tugriks a day, which my parents give me as pocket money.
How much pocket money do you usually spend a day? Or: How much money do you usually spend a day which your parents give you as pocket money?
Write questions for the sentence.
My plan? I’m going to stay in a children’s camp this summer.
What’s your plan this summer? or What are you going to do this summer?
Write questions for the sentence.
Yes, I am. I’m good at playing sports.
Are you good at playing sports?
Write questions for the sentence.
Today it is sunny and warm.
What’s the weather (like) today? Or How is the weather today?
The man is uses a cookbook for his meal.
The man is using a cookbook for his meal.
The man look hungry.
The man looks hungry.
There is some plates on the cupboard.
There are some plates on the cupboard.
The man is wearing an striped apron.
The man is wearing a striped apron.
The man is probably trying a new recipe.
The man is probably trying a new recipe.
Read the description for the picture and write True if there is no error or write False if there is an error and correct them.
The man is cooking at the kitchen.
The man is cooking in the kitchen.
The people enjoying the music.
The people are enjoying the music.
The people looks happy and joyful.
The people look happy and joyful.
The people looks happy and joyful.
The people look happy and joyful.
There is a few people.
There are a few people.
The man beside the women in the striped T-shirt has a beard.
The man beside/next to the woman in the striped T-shirt has a beard.
The man in sunglasses probably is a DJ.
The man in sunglasses probably is a DJ.
Read the description for the picture and write True if there is no error or write False if there is an error and correct them.
The people are at the gym and dancing.
The people are at the club/party and dancing.
1. However, I don't think I can write the essay next week. It is possible send it after two weeks?
Is it possible to send it after two weeks?
- Until then, I can read my friends’ lessons in their notebook in home.
Until then, I can read my friends’ lessons in their notebook at home.
- This makes reading and studying very difficult for me in the moment.
This makes reading and studying very difficult for me at the moment.
- I drink medicine for the pain but I can't get up or walk around much, and the doctor said I should stay in bed and rest.
I take medicine for the pain but I can't get up or walk around much, and the doctor said I should stay in bed and rest.
- I've had an accident and hurt my back. I'm afraid I can’t write my essay to next week.
I'm afraid I can’t write my essay for next week.
Read the email and find the errors in the numbered [a] sentences and write the correct form of the sentences in the given spaces below.
Dear Professor Hart,
I'm write to let you know that I can't attend class for two weeks. [a] I've had an accident and hurt my back. I'm afraid I can’t write my essay to next week. [b]
I drink medicine for the pain but I can't get up or walk around much, and the doctor said I should stay in bed and rest. [c] This makes reading and studying very difficult for me in the moment. [d] Until then, I can read my friends’ lessons in their notebook in home. [e] They are going to help me.
However, I don't think I can write the essay next week. It is possible send it after two weeks? [f]
Thank you for your understanding.
- I'm write to let you know that I can't attend class for two weeks.
I'm writing to let you know that I can't attend class for two weeks.
- Let me know if there's anything you doesn't like to eat.
Let me know if there's anything you don't like to eat.
- Don't ask me why the side street doesn't have a different name! But call me if you get lost and I come and get you.
But call me if you get lost and I’ll come and get you.
- Our address is 52 Charles Road, but it's a bit difficult to find because the house numbers is really strange here.
Our address is 52 Charles Road, but it's a bit difficult to find because the house numbers are really strange here.
- I want to hear all about your new job who you got!
I want to hear all about your new job which you got!
- We can eat home and then go for a walk in the afternoon.
We can eat at home and then go for a walk in the afternoon.
Read the email and find the errors in the numbered [a] sentences and write the correct form of the sentences in the given spaces below.
Hi Sonia,
Just a quick email to say that staying together sounds great. Saturday is better for me because I’m meeting my parents in Sunday.[a] We can eat home and then go for a walk in the afternoon. [b] It's going to be so good to catch up finally. I want to hear all about your new job who you got! [c]
Our address is 52 Charles Road, but it's a bit difficult to find because the house numbers is really strange here. [d] Don't ask me why the side street doesn't have a different name! But call me if you get lost and I come and get you.[e]
Let me know if there's anything you doesn't like to eat. [f] Really looking forward to seeing you!
See you soon!
- Saturday is better for me because I’m meeting my parents in Sunday.
Saturday is better for me because I’m meeting my parents on Sunday.
Халуун устай аяга, кофе байна. Ус руу кофег нэмээд байвал бүгд уусах боломжтой юу?
Уусах зүйл хэмжээтэй эсвэл Боломжгүй эсвэл Кофе усанд уусаад, тодорхой хэмжээнд хүрэхээрээ нэмж уусахгүй болсон
Кофег усанд хурдан уусгахын тулд нэмж юу хэрэглэх вэ?
Хутгах зүйл эсвэл Халбага эсвэл Температурыг ихэсгэнэ (халаана) эсвэл Хутгана
Найруулсан кофе дахь жижиг хэсгийн харилцан байршлыг тайлбарла.
Усны жижиг хэсгийн хооронд кофены жижиг хэсгүүд байрлана эсвэл Кофены жижиг хэсгийн хооронд усны жижиг хэсгүүд байрлана
Кофены жижиг хэсэг бүртэй усны жижиг хэсэг байрлана
Кофены жижиг хэсэг уусмалын нэг талд нөгөө талд усны жижиг хэсэг байрлана
Устай сав, усан будаг байна. Ус руу усан будгийг нэмээд байвал бүгд уусах боломжтой
Уусах зүйл хэмжээтэй эсвэл Уусах зүйл хэмжээтэй эсвэл Усан будаг усанд уусаад, тодорхой хэмжээнд хүрэхээрээ нэмж уусахгүй болсон
Будгийг усанд хурдан уусгахын тулд юу хэрэглэх вэ?
Хутгуур эсвэл Халаагуур эсвэл Температурыг их болгоно (нэмэгдүүлнэ) эсвэл Хутгана
Усны жижиг хэсэг, будгийн жижиг хэсгүүдийн уусмал дахь жижиг хэсгүүд хэрхэн байрлах вэ?
Усны жижиг хэсгийн хооронд будгийн жижиг хэсгүүд байрлана эсвэл Будгийн жижиг хэсгийн хооронд усны жижиг хэсгүүд байрлана
Будгийн жижиг хэсэг бүртэй усны жижиг хэсэг байрлана
Будгийн жижиг хэсэг уусмалын нэг талд нөгөө талд усны жижиг хэсэг байрлана
Read the email and find the errors in the numbered [a] sentences and write the correct form of the sentences in the given spaces below.
Hi Sonia,
Just a quick email to say that staying together sounds great. Saturday is better for me because I’m meeting my parents in Sunday.[a] We can eat home and then go for a walk in the afternoon. [b] It's going to be so good to catch up finally. I want to hear all about your new job who you got! [c]
Our address is 52 Charles Road, but it's a bit difficult to find because the house numbers is really strange here. [d] Don't ask me why the side street doesn't have a different name! But call me if you get lost and I come and get you.[e]
Let me know if there's anything you doesn't like to eat. [f] Really looking forward to seeing you!
See you soon!
- Saturday is better for me because I’m meeting my parents in Sunday.
Saturday is better for me because I’m meeting my parents on Sunday.
Уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн шалтгааныг гадаад ба дотоод шалтгаан гэж ангилдаг. “ Дэлхийн туйлын шилжилт” -ээс болж уур амьгал өөрчлөгдөх нь ямар шалтгаанд хамаарах вэ?
Гадаад шалтгаан
Эрдэмтдийн тооцоолсоноор одоогийн уур амьсгал 100 гаруй жилийн өмнөхөөс дунджаар 0,7 0 С –р дулаарчээ.Ингэж дулаарахаас өөр өөрчлөлт болж байсан уу? Жишээлэн тайлбарлана уу?
Хүйтэрч байсан. Жишээ нь: Пермийн галавын үед дулаарч байсан эсвэл 100000 жилийн өмнө Их мөстлөг болж байсан.
Хэрэв уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт болж байсан бол ямар давтамжтай явагдаж байсан бэ? Хувилбаруудыг харьцуулан, ангиллыг нь схемлэн үзүүлэнэ үү?
1.Хувилбар 11ээс- 80,90 жил 2.Хувилбар 1800 жил, 300-500 жил сэрүүн, 1000 жил хуурай шилжилтийн үе 100- 300 жил.
Уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийг судалдаг аргуудын онцлогийг тодорхойлж, туйлын мөсөнд өрөмдлөг хийн судлаж байгаа нь ямар аргад хамааралтай болохыг дүгнээрэй
Шууд арга- цаг агаарын хэмжилтээс. УА-ийн түүхэн мэдээ баримт судлах, ган зуд болсон гм.Шууд бус арга- Байгаль дээрх бусад зүйлсийг дам судлах.Туйлын мөс өрөмдөн судлах нь шууд бус аргад хамаарна.