Нээлттэй даалгавар (Нийт: 19,976)

Дэд агуулга:
Үнэлгээний зорилт:
Даалгаварын хэлбэр:
Х.Э чадамж
Ү. нэгж
Суралцахуйн ҮД
Гүйцэтгэл Т
Оноо: 1 №: 20082

Дэлхийн цэнгэг усны нөөцийн хамгийн их хувийг аль нь эзэлдэг вэ?

  • A.Мөстлөг

  • B.Газар доорх ус

  • C.Нуур

  • D.Гол мөрөн

Оноо: 1 №: 19734

Read text and choose the correct answer.

Canada's Tallest Tree

A man named Randy liked to hunt trees. He looked for big trees and old trees. He made maps to show where these trees were. He did not want to cut them down. He wanted people to take care of them.
Randy was told of a very tall tree on Vancouver Island. The tree was said to be 314 feet tall. That would make it the tallest tree in Canada. Randy set out to find the tree.
But someone else found it first. It was found by a logger. Loggers wanted to cut down Canada’s tallest tree and all the trees around it.
Randy made a path in the forest so people could see the tall tree. The tree was so big and beautiful it would fill them with awe. More and more people wanted to save that forest. Thanks to these people, that forest is now a park. Canada’s tallest tree is still there.
There may still be a bigger tree out there. Maybe you will find it. But there are only a few old forests left in Canada. Many are still at risk of being cut down.

     1. Why did Randy make maps?

  • A. The maps help the loggers.

  • B. Randy makes maps to help campers.

  • C.  He makes maps to show where Canada's biggest trees are located.

  • D. D. He makes maps because he works for the government.

Оноо: 1 №: 19733

Read text and choose the correct answer.

GM Food
It is hard to be a farmer. Cold weather can kill your crops. Bugs can eat your crops. Weeds can hurt your crops. Your crops may need more rain than they get. Fruits and Vegetables can go bad before they are sold. Some people say farmers can fix all of this with GM food.
What is GM food? All living things have DNA. DNA tells living things how to grow. These days, people can change the DNA that tells food how to grow. When people change the DNA of food, it is called GM food.
Some GM food can grow in cold weather. GM food can stop bugs from eating it. GM fruits and vegetables can stay good longer. One day, GM food may be able to grow in dry land in Africa. It will feed people who do not have much food.
But there is a lot we do not know about GM food. Will GM companies help poor people grow food? Or do GM companies just want to get rich? Does GM food kill bugs we need, like butterflies? Does GM food make birds sick? Does GM food make people sick? We do not know. There have not been many tests on GM food.
Do you think farmers should grow GM food?

1. What can bugs do that make it hard to be a farmer?


    A. They make your crops too dry.

  • B. They make your food go bad.

  • C. They can eat your crops.

  • D. They can make your food GM.

Оноо: 1 №: 19827
Багц даалгавар

Схемийг ажиглаарай.

Туршилтын зорилго юу байсан бэ?

  • Элсийг ялгах эсвэл Элсийг уснаас ялгах

Оноо: 2 №: 19828
Багцын даалгавар

Туршилтын эхэнд бэлтгэсэн Х нь юу вэ?

  • Элс усны холимог эсвэл Ус руу элс хийсэн

  • Юүлүүр шүүгч

  • Ус эсвэл элс

Оноо: 2 №: 19829
Багцын даалгавар

Туршилтын төгсгөлд ажигласан зүйлийнхээ шалтгааныг тайлбарла.

  • Шүүгч цаасаар ус нэвтэрсэн эсвэл Шүүгч цаасаар элс нэвтрээгүй

  • Шүүгч цаас

  • Хуурай элс ажигласан эсвэл Хуурай элс уснаас гаргаж авсан эсвэл Усгүй элс

Оноо: 1 №: 19732

Choose the correct answer.

If you are not satisfied …………….a product you can return it.

  • A.to

  • B.on

  • C.with

  • D.for

Оноо: 1 №: 20081

250 С –н температуртай агаарын үнэмлэхүй чийг нь 5г, чийгийн багтаамж нь 20 г\м3 бол харьцангуй чийгийг хэд байх вэ? сонгоно уу?

  • A.25%

  • B.25 г

  • C.5 г

  • D.4%

Оноо: 1 №: 19731

Choose the correct answer.

He couldn’t concentrate ………… his work, so he watched his favourite movie.

  • A.in

  • B.on

  • C.for

  • D.to

Оноо: 1 №: 19730

Choose the correct answer.

I generally get ………………my friend, although we disagree sometimes.

  • A.over

  • B.away with

  • C.along with

  • D.round

Оноо: 1 №: 19824
Багц даалгавар

Схемийг ажиглаарай.

Төмрийн үртсийг ялгасан нь ямар өөрчлөлт вэ?

  • Эргэх

  • Үл эргэх

  • Соронзон үзэгдэл эсвэл Норох үзэгдэл

Оноо: 2 №: 19825
Багцын даалгавар

Туршилтын төгсгөлд юу ажигласан вэ?

  • Төмрийн үртсийг уснаас авсан эсвэл Төмрийн үртэс соронз руу наалдсан

  • Соронзон үзэгдэл

  • Норох үзэгдэл

Оноо: 2 №: 19826
Багцын даалгавар

Туршилтын төгсгөлд ажигласан зүйлийнхээ шалтгааныг тайлбарла.

  • Соронз нь төмөр агуулсан биеийг татдаг эсвэл Соронз төмрийг татдаг

  • Төмрийг уснаас ялгаж авсан эсвэл Төмөр хуурай болсон

Оноо: 1 №: 19729

Choose the correct answer.

She is keeping ………….chocolate for a while in an attempt to lose a little weight.

  • A.off

  • B.on

  • C.out

  • D.up

Оноо: 1 №: 20080

Зурагт дулаан фронтыг дүрсэлжээ. Дулаан фронтын үед цаг агаарын ямар үзэгдэл болохыг таамаглана уу?


  • A.Удаан үргэлжлэх тунадас орно

  • B.Аадар бороо орно

  • C.Тэнгэр цэлмэнэ.

  • D.Хуурай халуун болно

Оноо: 1 №: 19728

Choose the correct answer.

I am trying to put ………………some money every week for my summer holidays.

  • A.through

  • B.up with

  • C. by

  • D.up

Оноо: 1 №: 19727

Choose the correct answer.

Jack’s parents tried to put him …………….becoming an artist.

  • A.down

  • B.on

  • C.out

  • D.off

Оноо: 1 №: 19726

Choose the correct answer.

His wife stood ……………him when he lost his job two months ago.

  • A.by

  • B.for

  • C.out

  • D.up

Оноо: 1 №: 19821
Багц даалгавар

Схемийг ажиглаарай.

Лаа шатах нь ямар өөрчлөлт вэ?


  • Үл эргэх

  • Эргэх

  • Гэрэл гаргах

  • Хайлах

Оноо: 2 №: 19822
Багцын даалгавар

Туршилтын төгсгөлд юу ажиглах вэ?

  • Лаа унтарна

  • Лаа багасна

Оноо: 2 №: 19823
Багцын даалгавар

Туршилтын төгсгөлд ажигласан зүйлийнхээ шалтгааныг тайлбарла.

  • Шатах үзэгдэлд хүчилтөрөгч шаардлагатай эсвэл Шилэн сав дотор хүчилтөрөгчгүй болсон

Оноо: 1 №: 19725

Choose the correct answer.

Sadly, the chairman of the club passed ……………….last weekend.

  • A.by

  • B.down

  • C.up

  • D.away

Оноо: 1 №: 19724

Choose the correct answer.

They looked ………………the village before setting off down the mountain.

  • A. round

  • B. for

  • C. into

  • D.up

Оноо: 1 №: 19723

Choose the correct answer.

Sarah takes ……………….in school competitions more actively than others every year.

  • A.place

  • B.apart

  • C.part

  • D.in

Оноо: 1 №: 19818
Багц даалгавар

Схемийг ажиглаарай.

Схемд юуг авч үзсэн вэ?

  • Усны эргэлт эсвэл Эргэх өөрчлөлт

  • Бороо орох эсвэл Ус уурших

Оноо: 2 №: 19819
Багцын даалгавар

Конденсацийг аль сум заах вэ?

  • Р

  • S

  • Q

  • R

Оноо: 2 №: 19820
Багцын даалгавар

Х нь юу вэ?

  • Үүл эсвэл Усан дуслууд эсвэл Усан дуслууд нэгдсэн

  • Урсгал ус, тогтсон ус

Оноо: 1 №: 19722

Choose the correct answer.

Mira has taken ………………..jogging in order to keep fit.

  • A.up

  • B.off

  • C. in

  • D.on

Оноо: 1 №: 19721

Choose the correct answer.

When the plane eventually took …………….., the passengers cheered.

  • A.after

  • B.off

  • C.through

  • D.down

Оноо: 1 №: 19720

Choose the correct answer.

My dad was very …………………with my high school grades and treated me for being so hardworking.

  • A.keen

  • B.glad

  • C.pleased

  • D.happy

Оноо: 1 №: 19657

My sister was feeling tired last night, so she went to bed ……….than usual.

  • A.early

  • B.more earlier

  • C.earlier

  • D.the earliest

Оноо: 3 №: 19719

Choose the right order to make up a story.

            1. Besides, it was raining and the wind was blowing.

             2. It was dark when the circus train reached the station.

             3. Then all the actors in spite of the nasty weather helped the workers to get the circus tent up.

             4. Men and animals came into the rainy windy night.

             5. But the circus workers began to unload the carriages.

  • A.2,3,1,5,4

  • B.2,1,5,3,4

  • C.4,1,5,2,3

  • D.1,4,5,2,3

Оноо: 1 №: 20079

Зурагт хөх өнгөөр, агаарын их даралтын мужийг дүрсэлжээ. Монгол оронд их даралтын муж \1030 гПа\ тогтож байгаа үед ямар улирал болж байх вэ?

  • A.Зун

  • B.Намар

  • C.Өвөл

  • D.Хавар

Оноо: 1 №: 19656

My sister will meet you …………..she finishes her work.

  • A.while

  • B.when

  • C.until

  • D.as soon as

Оноо: 1 №: 19655
Эхэд суурилсан даалгавар

The sentence ‘They can do so most probably near the surface so that they can come up for air easily.’ means: "Whales…………………………………….

  • A.can not go deep down into water

  • B.can not swim quickly while sleeping

  • C.are close to the surface to breathe oxygen easily

  • D.like to bounce to the air

Оноо: 3 №: 19718

Choose the right order to make up a story.

     1. During his school years he took great interest in literature.

      2. But having finished school he began to study medicine

      3. The great writer was born I Scotland in a working class family.

      4. Later on he worked in a mining region in South Wales.

      5. After graduating from the University he started working as a doctor in Scotland.

  • A.3,1,5,4,2

  • B.1,3,2,5,4

  • C.3,1,2,5,4

  • D.5,3,4,1,2

Оноо: 1 №: 19815
Багц даалгавар

Схемийг ажиглаарай.

Схемд юуг авч үзсэн вэ?

  • Усны эргэлт эсвэл Эргэх өөрчлөлт

  • Бороо орох эсвэл Ус уурших

Оноо: 2 №: 19816
Багцын даалгавар

Ууршилтыг аль сум илэрхийлэх вэ?

  • S

  • Р

  • Q

  • R

Оноо: 2 №: 19817
Багцын даалгавар

Х нь юу вэ?

  • Газар дээрх ус эсвэл Борооны ус эсвэл Далай, тэнгис, нуур, гол эсвэл Урсгал ус, тогтсон ус

Оноо: 1 №: 19654

While my grandmother ……………..the news on TV, she fell asleep.

  • A.watched

  • B.were watching

  • C.was watching

  • D.watches

Оноо: 1 №: 19653
Эхэд суурилсан даалгавар

Sleeping is outstanding for whales because they…………………..

  • A.are never completely asleep so as not to drown

  • B.can’t fall asleep at all

  • C.stay awake all the time

  • D.are partially conscious

Оноо: 1 №: 19652

Our family ………... a lot, but we prefer to stay at home these days.

  • A.used to travel

  • B.were travelling

  • C.travelled

  • D.travels

Оноо: 1 №: 19717

Choose the correct answer 

She was jealous ………..her sister, who was very pretty.

  • A.with

  • B.of

  • C.on

  • D.from

Оноо: 1 №: 19651
Эхэд суурилсан даалгавар

‘Conscious’ means……………………………..

  • A. volunteering

  • B.open-eyed

  • C.unguarded

  • D.aware of

Оноо: 1 №: 19716

Choose the correct answer

There is very little demand …………typewriters these days, now that computers are so popular.

  • A.to

  • B.on

  • C.with

  • D.for

Оноо: 1 №: 19650

   My friend used to ride ……………… bike but now he drives a car.

  • A.an expensive, mountain, blue, new

  • B.a new, expensive, mountain, blue

  • C.an expensive, new,  blue, mountain

  • D.a mountain, expensive, blue, new

Оноо: 1 №: 19649
Эхэд суурилсан даалгавар

‘Conscious breathers’means…………………………………. 

  • A.they consciously choose when to take every breath of their lives

  • B.the breather doesn’t voluntarily connect the inhale with the exhale without any pauses

  • C.they think about every breath they take and come up to the surface of the water

  • D.they breathe through blowholes on top of their heads

Оноо: 1 №: 19648

All flights ……………because of windstorm last week.

  • A.was cancelled

  • B.cancelled

  • C.are cancelled

  • D.were cancelled

Оноо: 1 №: 19812
Багц даалгавар

Схемийг ажиглаарай.

Схемд юуг авч үзсэн вэ?

  • Усны эргэлт эсвэл Эргэх өөрчлөлт

  • Бороо орох

  • Ус уурших

Оноо: 2 №: 19813
Багцын даалгавар

Аль сумны дагуу конденсаци болох вэ?

  • Р

  • S

  • Q

  • R

Оноо: 2 №: 19814
Багцын даалгавар

Үүл хуралдахаар ямар Х үзэгдэл болох вэ?

  • Бороо орох эсвэл Бороо

  • Үүл үүсэх эсвэл Ус уурших

Оноо: 1 №: 19715

Choose the correct answer

We need to find a solution ………….the difficult problem.

  • A. to

  • B.on

  • C.with

  • D.for

Нийт: 19,976