ЭЕШ (Нийт: 13,274)

Х.Э чадамж
Танин мэдэхүйн түвшин:
Ү. нэгж
Суралцахуйн ҮД
Гүйцэтгэл Т
Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 17-р даалгавар

Задание. Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова и выражения.

Мой ... язык – монгольский.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 11-р даалгавар

Аль хийн бөмбөлөг нь агаарт хөөрөх вэ?

  • A.


  • B.

    Q ба R

  • C.

    P ба R

  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
C хувилбарын 17-р даалгавар

Биеийн дулаан-температурын хамаарлын график өгөгдөв.

Биеийн масс 0.25 кг.

Бие хөрөхдөө хэчнээн хэмжээний дулаан алдсан бэ?

  • A.

    500 кЖ

  • B.

    100 кЖ

  • C.

    200 кЖ

  • D.

    100 кЖ

  • E.

    160 кЖ

Оноо: 1 Минут: -1
C хувилбарын 16-р даалгавар

Задание. Образуйте словосочетания, используя данные слова.

... суп


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 10-р даалгавар

Карбон хүчлүүдийн молийн массыг харьцуулсан хүснэгт өгөгджээ. Аль карбон хүчил нь хамгийн өндөр температурт буцлах вэ?

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 15-р даалгавар

Задание. Образуйте словосочетания, используя данные слова.

Пылесосить ...  


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 16-р даалгавар

Биеийн дулаан-температурын хамаарлын график өгөгдөв.

Биеийн масс 0.25 кг.

Биеийн царцахын хувийн дулааныг олно уу.

  • A.


  • B.

  • C.

  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 3 Минут: 2
C хувилбарын 14-р даалгавар

Задание. Выберите правильный грамматический вариант.

... университет, Урна поедет учиться в Новосибирск.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.



  • E.



Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 27-р даалгавар

1636 онд Өвөр Монголын ноёдын чуулган хаана болж, хэнийг Өвөр Монголын хаанд өргөмжилсөн бэ?                                                                                                 

  • A.

    1. Хөх нуурт Энх-Амгаланг 
  • B.

    1. Долоон нуурт Энх-Амгаланг
  • C.

    1. Бээжинд Абахайг
  • D.

    1. Бээжинд Нурхач
  • E.

    1. Мүгдэнд Абахайг
Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 26-р даалгавар
  1. Дараах ойлголтуудыг утгаар зөв харгалзуулна уу?                       
  1. Тод үсэг                                                 А. 1686 он
  2. Али гали үсэг                                         В. 1648 он
  3. Соёмбо үсэг                                           С. Аюуш гүүш
  • A.

    1С, 2А, 3В  

  • B.

    1А, 2В, 3С

  • C.

    1А, 2С, 3В

  • D.

    1В, 2С, 3А

  • E.

    1В, 2А, 3С

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 9-р даалгавар

Дараах бүтээгдэхүүнүүдээс аль нь байгалийн полимероос тогтох вэ?

  • A.

    PVC хоолой

  • B.

    хуванцар ундааны сав

  • C.

    гялгар уут 

  • D.

    усны гутал

  • E.

    ноолууран оймс

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 15-р даалгавар

Биеийн дулаан-температурын хамаарлын график өгөгдөв.

Биеийн масс 0.25 кг.

Уг бие тэлэх үү, агших уу? Яагаад?

  • A.

    Агшина, дулаан авч байна

  • B.

    Тэлнэ, дулаан авч байна

  • C.

    Агшина, дулаан алдаж байна

  • D.

    Тэлнэ, дулаан алдаж байна

  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 8-р даалгавар

Зурагт үзүүлсэн органик нэгдлийг нэрлэнэ үү.



  • A.


  • B.


  • C.

    пропаны хүчил

  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 7-р даалгавар

Үелэх хүснэгтэд үзүүлсэн элементүүдээс шүлтийн металлыг сонгоно уу.

















































































































































  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 6-р даалгавар

Цэвэр усанд хуурай калийн гидроксидыг нэмж уусгахад усны pH хэрхэн өөрчлөгдөх вэ?

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 5-р даалгавар

Дараах нэгдлүүдээс хүхрийн исэлдэхүйн хэм хамгийн их байх нэгдлийг сонгоно уу.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 4-р даалгавар

Сурагч цахилгаан дамжуулах хэлхээг зурагт үзүүлсний дагуу угсарчээ.

Аль материалыг сонгож Х үсгээр тэмдэглэсэн хэсэгт байршуулбал чийдэн асах вэ?

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    төмөр утас

  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 3-р даалгавар

Бодисын төлөвийн шилжилтийн схемээс буцлах үзэгдлийг сонгоно уу.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 2-р даалгавар

Өгөгдсөн тэмдэглэгээг ашиглан фосфорын атомын электроны тоог тодорхойлно уу.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 1-р даалгавар

Габерийн процессоор аммиакийг гарган авдаг.

 1 N2(х) молекул                3 H2(х) молекул                          2 NH3(х) молекул

3 моль устөрөгчийн молекул хэдэн моль азотын молекултай урвалд орох вэ?

  • A.

    6 моль

  • B.

    4 моль

  • C.

    3 моль

  • D.

    2 моль

  • E.

    1 моль

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
A хувилбарын 47-р даалгавар

Complete the sentence with the most appropriate phrase.

What you will say when someone is playing in a dishonest or unfair way?


  • A.

      It’s your move.

  • B.

     You have really good hand.

  • C.

    You can’t do that, it’s considered as a foul play.

  • D.

     I knew, I’d win.

  • E.

      Push your pedals.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
A хувилбарын 46-р даалгавар

Choose the most appropriate word for the game definition.

Volleyball is a game in which two teams _____ a ball with their hands backwards and forwards over a high net.


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
A хувилбарын 45-р даалгавар


Choose the most appropriate word for the game definition.

Doing crosswords: A word game with black and white squares where you write _____ in the  _____ squares is a crossword. 


  • A.

         puzzle / empty    

  • B.

             clue / black   

  • C.

         a word / white 

  • D.

      cross / clue    

  • E.

         puzzle / white

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
A хувилбарын 44-р даалгавар

 Read the passage.

  1. High traffic levels remain a problem for many governments. Car ownership in fast-developing countries continues to double each year, and migration to cities is also rising quickly, resulting in high levels of congestion and pollution.

  2. Until recently, governments successfully controlled traffic levels by imposing financial obligations on drivers. They made it more expensive to drive by raising taxes on petrol or increasing parking costs, while making public transport cheaper by investing in rail and bus travel. However, these ‘tax and spend’ approaches are no longer possible to introduce easily. This is because living costs are growing in many countries, so governments can’t spend as much money and people are angry when they have to pay more. New controls are, therefore, needed.

  3. Legal solutions to congestion issues are now attracting greater interest. However, traffic laws and regulations have often proved ineffective. For example, banning cars in city centres has simply transferred problems to the edge of cities. Similarly, controlling speed limits has been effective on fast roads but has done little to solve congestion in urban areas.

  4. A more effective legal intervention might be to stop some people from driving altogether – but who exactly? If workers were stopped from driving, they might not be able to get to work. Many older citizens and families also rely on cars to move around easily. Furthermore, both these groups vote frequently, so it would be a political disaster to prevent them from driving.

  5. This leaves young people. Many people would agree with raising the minimum driving age in order to reduce the number of drivers on the road and cut pollution. Young people make up over 25% of road deaths in many countries and, according to recent research, parts of the brain that help to calculate risks and consequences are not fully developed until the age of 25. Consequently, there have already been discussions in the media about stopping young people driving or carrying passengers.

  6. Of course, young people would have to be given financial assistance to make sure public transport remained affordable for them. But as pressure grows on the governments to reduce congestion, it surely makes sense to postpone the time that young drivers get their licenses until a little later in life.

Read again and choose the correct answers.

Which statement agrees with the information in the text?​​​​​​​

  • A.

     Governments allow a certain number of vehicles into the city centres if drivers can afford the increased expense for having own car.

  • B.

     Raising the minimum driving age to 25 can improve the health of young people.

  • C.

    Banning cars in urban areas can fully solve the congestion and pollution. 


  • D.

     Laws and regulations have stopped driving of all age drivers. 

  • E.

     The suggestion can encourage young people to use public transport if the governments provide some financial support.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
A хувилбарын 43-р даалгавар

Read the passage.

  1. High traffic levels remain a problem for many governments. Car ownership in fast-developing countries continues to double each year, and migration to cities is also rising quickly, resulting in high levels of congestion and pollution.

  2. Until recently, governments successfully controlled traffic levels by imposing financial obligations on drivers. They made it more expensive to drive by raising taxes on petrol or increasing parking costs, while making public transport cheaper by investing in rail and bus travel. However, these ‘tax and spend’ approaches are no longer possible to introduce easily. This is because living costs are growing in many countries, so governments can’t spend as much money and people are angry when they have to pay more. New controls are, therefore, needed.

  3. Legal solutions to congestion issues are now attracting greater interest. However, traffic laws and regulations have often proved ineffective. For example, banning cars in city centres has simply transferred problems to the edge of cities. Similarly, controlling speed limits has been effective on fast roads but has done little to solve congestion in urban areas.

  4. A more effective legal intervention might be to stop some people from driving altogether – but who exactly? If workers were stopped from driving, they might not be able to get to work. Many older citizens and families also rely on cars to move around easily. Furthermore, both these groups vote frequently, so it would be a political disaster to prevent them from driving.

  5. This leaves young people. Many people would agree with raising the minimum driving age in order to reduce the number of drivers on the road and cut pollution. Young people make up over 25% of road deaths in many countries and, according to recent research, parts of the brain that help to calculate risks and consequences are not fully developed until the age of 25. Consequently, there have already been discussions in the media about stopping young people driving or carrying passengers.

  6. Of course, young people would have to be given financial assistance to make sure public transport remained affordable for them. But as pressure grows on the governments to reduce congestion, it surely makes sense to postpone the time that young drivers get their licenses until a little later in life.

Read again and choose the correct answers.

According to the text why people can get angry? When _____.


  • A.

     the young people have to get their driving licenses at 25

  • B.

     they have to use public transport

  • C.

     the brains of young people cannot calculate risk

  • D.

     they have to pay more

  • E.

      the governments try to reduce congestion

Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 40-р даалгавар

Этаналь (CH3CHO) нь шүлтийн уусмалын орчинд димержих урвалд ордог.

Урвалын хурдыг тодорхойлох зорилгоор 3 бүлэг туршилтыг явуулж дараах үр дүнг гарган авчээ.

[CH3CHO]анх / моль • дм-3

[OH ]анх / моль • дм-3

урвалын харьцангуй хурд










Туршилтын үр дүнг ашиглан урвалын хурдны тэгшитгэлийг сонгоно уу.

  • A.

    ʋ = k[CH3CHO] [OH ]   

  • B.

    ʋ = k[CH3CHO]2 [OH ]   

  • C.

    ʋ = k[CH3CHO]2    

  • D.

    ʋ = k[CH3CHO] [OH ]2     

  • E.

    ʋ = k[CH3CHO]2 [OH ]2    

Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 39-р даалгавар

1 литр эзлэхүүнтэй битүү саванд хий байдалтай 2 моль H2 болон 2 моль Cl2ийг авч холиход урвал явагдаж хэсэг хугацааны дараа тэнцвэр тогтжээ. Тэнцвэрийн үед 3 моль HCl үүссэн бол тэнцвэрийн тогтмол Kcг тооцоолно уу.

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
A хувилбарын 42-р даалгавар

Read the passage.

  1. High traffic levels remain a problem for many governments. Car ownership in fast-developing countries continues to double each year, and migration to cities is also rising quickly, resulting in high levels of congestion and pollution.

  2. Until recently, governments successfully controlled traffic levels by imposing financial obligations on drivers. They made it more expensive to drive by raising taxes on petrol or increasing parking costs, while making public transport cheaper by investing in rail and bus travel. However, these ‘tax and spend’ approaches are no longer possible to introduce easily. This is because living costs are growing in many countries, so governments can’t spend as much money and people are angry when they have to pay more. New controls are, therefore, needed.

  3. Legal solutions to congestion issues are now attracting greater interest. However, traffic laws and regulations have often proved ineffective. For example, banning cars in city centres has simply transferred problems to the edge of cities. Similarly, controlling speed limits has been effective on fast roads but has done little to solve congestion in urban areas.

  4. A more effective legal intervention might be to stop some people from driving altogether – but who exactly? If workers were stopped from driving, they might not be able to get to work. Many older citizens and families also rely on cars to move around easily. Furthermore, both these groups vote frequently, so it would be a political disaster to prevent them from driving.

  5. This leaves young people. Many people would agree with raising the minimum driving age in order to reduce the number of drivers on the road and cut pollution. Young people make up over 25% of road deaths in many countries and, according to recent research, parts of the brain that help to calculate risks and consequences are not fully developed until the age of 25. Consequently, there have already been discussions in the media about stopping young people driving or carrying passengers.

  6. Of course, young people would have to be given financial assistance to make sure public transport remained affordable for them. But as pressure grows on the governments to reduce congestion, it surely makes sense to postpone the time that young drivers get their licenses until a little later in life.

Read again and choose the correct answers.


 Which group is NOT mentioned as the community that can cause the political disaster?


  • A.

     young people 

  • B.


  • C.

     older citizens

  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 38-р даалгавар

Устөрөгч болон бромын уур хоорондын урвал 500К температурт харьцангуй хурдан, 400К температурт харьцангуй удаан явагддаг шалтгаануудаас зөвийг сонгоно уу.

  1. 500К температурт ашигтай мөргөлдөлтийн тоо ихэснэ.
  2. 500К температурт хангалттай хэмжээний энергитэй молекулын тоо нэмэгдэнэ.
  3. 500К температурт урвалын идэвхжлийн энерги бага байдаг.
  • A.

    1 ба 3   

  • B.

    1 ба 2    

  • C.

    2 ба 3  

  • D.

    зөвхөн 1

  • E.

    зөвхөн 2

Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 37-р даалгавар
  1. Өнгөгүй X хольц болон P, Q, R гэсэн цэвэр бодисууд дээр 2 өөр уусгагч ашиглан цаасан хроматографийн туршилт явуулжээ. Туршилтын үр дүнг доор үзүүлэв.  

            Хроматограммуудыг ажиглаад зөв мэдээллийг сонгоно уу.

  • A.

    P бодисын Rf  утга R бодисын Rf утгаас их.

  • B.

    P бодис X хольц дотор агуулагдана.

  • C.

    R бодис X хольц дотор агуулагдана.

  • D.

    P болон R бодисуудын уусах чанар ижил.

  • E.

    Q бодис X хольц дотор агуулагдана.

Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 36-р даалгавар

Al2O3 катализаторын оролцоотойгоор халаахад усгүйжих урвалд орж цис-транс изомер үүсгэх боломжтой нэгдлийг сонгоно уу.

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 35-р даалгавар

Спортын тамирчид тестостерон агуулсан эм бэлдмэлийг сэргээш болгон хэрэглэдэг. Тестостероны молекул нь хэдэн нүүрстөрөгчийн хираль атом агуулж байна вэ?

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 34-р даалгавар

Аль катион нь электроноосоо гурваар илүү нейтронтой вэ?

  • A.


  • B.

    K +                     

  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 33-р даалгавар

Дараах исэлдэх-ангижрах урвалыг хамгийн бага бүхэл тоогоор тэнцүүлж коэффициентүүдын нийлбэрийг олно уу.

…..MnO2 (хат) + …..HCl (уус) → …..MnCl2 (уус)   + …..H2O (ш)   + …..Cl2 (х)

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 32-р даалгавар

Иодыг хлортой харилцан үйлчлэлцүүлж иодын трихлорид (IC3) – ыг гарган авдаг.

I2 (хат)  +  Cl2 (х)   2 ICl (хат) ; ∆H° = +10 кЖ • моль-1
ICl (хат)  +  Cl2 (х)   ICl3 (хат) ; ∆H° = -90 кЖ • моль-1

Өгөгдлийг ашиглан иодын трихлорид (ICl­3) – ын үүсэхийн стандарт энтальпийн өөрчлөлтийг олно уу.

  • A.

    +85 кЖ • моль-1

  • B.

    -80 кЖ • моль-1

  • C.

    -85 кЖ • моль-1

  • D.

    -170 кЖ • моль-1

  • E.

    +170 кЖ • моль-1

Оноо: 3 Минут: 3
A хувилбарын 31-р даалгавар

64 грамм жинтэй зэс ялтсыг мөнгөний нитратын уусмалд хэсэг хугацаагаар дүрэхэд ялтсын жин 79.2 грамм болж нэмэгджээ. Хэдэн грамм зэс уусмалд шилжсэн бэ?

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
A хувилбарын 30-р даалгавар

P нэгдэл (гекс-3-ен-1-ол) нь ургамлын үнэртэй бөгөөд үнэртэй усны үйлдвэрлэлд өргөн хэрэглэгддэг.

P нэгдлийг илүүдэл, хүчиллэгжүүлсэн, концентрацтай KMnO4 ийн уусмалаар үйлчлэхэд ямар нэгдэл үүсэх вэ?

  • A.

    CH3CH2CO2H болон HO2CCH2CO2H          

  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.

    CH3CH2CO2H болон HO2CCH2CH2OH

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
A хувилбарын 41-р даалгавар

Read the passage.

  1. High traffic levels remain a problem for many governments. Car ownership in fast-developing countries continues to double each year, and migration to cities is also rising quickly, resulting in high levels of congestion and pollution.

  2. Until recently, governments successfully controlled traffic levels by imposing financial obligations on drivers. They made it more expensive to drive by raising taxes on petrol or increasing parking costs, while making public transport cheaper by investing in rail and bus travel. However, these ‘tax and spend’ approaches are no longer possible to introduce easily. This is because living costs are growing in many countries, so governments can’t spend as much money and people are angry when they have to pay more. New controls are, therefore, needed.

  3. Legal solutions to congestion issues are now attracting greater interest. However, traffic laws and regulations have often proved ineffective. For example, banning cars in city centres has simply transferred problems to the edge of cities. Similarly, controlling speed limits has been effective on fast roads but has done little to solve congestion in urban areas.

  4. A more effective legal intervention might be to stop some people from driving altogether – but who exactly? If workers were stopped from driving, they might not be able to get to work. Many older citizens and families also rely on cars to move around easily. Furthermore, both these groups vote frequently, so it would be a political disaster to prevent them from driving.

  5. This leaves young people. Many people would agree with raising the minimum driving age in order to reduce the number of drivers on the road and cut pollution. Young people make up over 25% of road deaths in many countries and, according to recent research, parts of the brain that help to calculate risks and consequences are not fully developed until the age of 25. Consequently, there have already been discussions in the media about stopping young people driving or carrying passengers.

  6. Of course, young people would have to be given financial assistance to make sure public transport remained affordable for them. But as pressure grows on the governments to reduce congestion, it surely makes sense to postpone the time that young drivers get their licenses until a little later in life.

Read again and choose the correct answers.

Young people make up more than 25% of _____.


  • A.

     road accidents

  • B.

     road congestion

  • C.

     city pollution

  • D.

      public transport

  • E.

     road deaths 

Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
A хувилбарын 29-р даалгавар

Доорх зурагт уусмал Zд явуулсан туршилтын үр дүнг харуулав.

Уусмал Z –д ямар анион агуулагдаж байсан вэ?

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
A хувилбарын 40-р даалгавар

 Read the passage.

  1. High traffic levels remain a problem for many governments. Car ownership in fast-developing countries continues to double each year, and migration to cities is also rising quickly, resulting in high levels of congestion and pollution.

  2. Until recently, governments successfully controlled traffic levels by imposing financial obligations on drivers. They made it more expensive to drive by raising taxes on petrol or increasing parking costs, while making public transport cheaper by investing in rail and bus travel. However, these ‘tax and spend’ approaches are no longer possible to introduce easily. This is because living costs are growing in many countries, so governments can’t spend as much money and people are angry when they have to pay more. New controls are, therefore, needed.

  3. Legal solutions to congestion issues are now attracting greater interest. However, traffic laws and regulations have often proved ineffective. For example, banning cars in city centres has simply transferred problems to the edge of cities. Similarly, controlling speed limits has been effective on fast roads but has done little to solve congestion in urban areas.

  4. A more effective legal intervention might be to stop some people from driving altogether – but who exactly? If workers were stopped from driving, they might not be able to get to work. Many older citizens and families also rely on cars to move around easily. Furthermore, both these groups vote frequently, so it would be a political disaster to prevent them from driving.

  5. This leaves young people. Many people would agree with raising the minimum driving age in order to reduce the number of drivers on the road and cut pollution. Young people make up over 25% of road deaths in many countries and, according to recent research, parts of the brain that help to calculate risks and consequences are not fully developed until the age of 25. Consequently, there have already been discussions in the media about stopping young people driving or carrying passengers.

  6. Of course, young people would have to be given financial assistance to make sure public transport remained affordable for them. But as pressure grows on the governments to reduce congestion, it surely makes sense to postpone the time that young drivers get their licenses until a little later in life.

Read again and choose the correct answers.

What do the ‘tax and spend’ approaches mean?

  • A.

     tax the young drivers if they are younger than 25

  • B.

     increase fuel price and living cost

  • C.

     decrease public transport fee

  • D.

     increase fuel price and car maintenance cost

  • E.

     increase living cost

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