ЭЕШ (Нийт: 13,274)

Х.Э чадамж
Танин мэдэхүйн түвшин:
Ү. нэгж
Суралцахуйн ҮД
Гүйцэтгэл Т
Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 41-р даалгавар

Task 1. Read the passage.

  1. Why do some achieve more than others? Ask a successful person and they may point to their talents and hard work. Investor Warren Buffet, for instance, suggests that integrity, intelligence, and energy are essential, whereas for millionaire Marc Andreessen it’s about motivation, drive, ethics, and curiosity. In short, what’s on the inside is key. Research suggests that what’s on the outside counts more than we think.

  2. Person’s intelligence and family background have much less impact after leaving university. Recent research into legal careers shows that while students from well-educated families tend to enter the profession more easily, the less advantaged students that enter usually earn more and work for better firms. Some causes of success clearly lie beyond academic achievement.

  3. Admittedly, the capacity for hard work is probably important, too. A recent study found that people who earn less than $20,000 a year spent more than a third of their time in passive leisure. By contrast, those earning more than $100,000 a year spent less than a fifth of their time relaxing.

  4. Indeed, new research suggests that a wide variety of external factors also assist high achievers. Rice University, in Texas, found that a person’s looks and smile particularly help them to gain trust and so bring employment or promotion opportunities. A person’s height and the depth of their voice are also significant, it would seem. Male Chief Executive Officers (CEO) are over 7 centimetres taller than the average man, according to Harvard University, and those with lower-pitched voices apparently have better social connection than other CEOs.

  5. Self-presentation and the dressing way also play a role. For example, a typical pink shirt wearer earns $1,000 more per year than males who wear more sober colours for work. Another study showed that women who wear make-up are far more likely to be taken seriously than those who don’t, demonstrating that appearance itself bring rewards. 

  6. So, is style becoming more important than substance? Given the importance of the visual image in the modern media, it would not be surprising. Perhaps, teaching the art of making an impression on others may be as valuable to today’s generation as a traditional schooling. 


Read again and choose the correct answers.


Which statement is supported by the information in the text?


  • A.

     Parents are fully responsible for their offspring’s career success.

  • B.

     Children often follow the career choice of parents.

  • C.

    The internal, external and appearance factors lead to success

  • D.

     Pursuing promotion needs a good team support

  • E.

     Successful career is only based on academic achievement

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 40-р даалгавар

Task 1. Read the passage.

  1. Why do some achieve more than others? Ask a successful person and they may point to their talents and hard work. Investor Warren Buffet, for instance, suggests that integrity, intelligence, and energy are essential, whereas for millionaire Marc Andreessen it’s about motivation, drive, ethics, and curiosity. In short, what’s on the inside is key. Research suggests that what’s on the outside counts more than we think.

  2. Person’s intelligence and family background have much less impact after leaving university. Recent research into legal careers shows that while students from well-educated families tend to enter the profession more easily, the less advantaged students that enter usually earn more and work for better firms. Some causes of success clearly lie beyond academic achievement.

  3. Admittedly, the capacity for hard work is probably important, too. A recent study found that people who earn less than $20,000 a year spent more than a third of their time in passive leisure. By contrast, those earning more than $100,000 a year spent less than a fifth of their time relaxing.

  4. Indeed, new research suggests that a wide variety of external factors also assist high achievers. Rice University, in Texas, found that a person’s looks and smile particularly help them to gain trust and so bring employment or promotion opportunities. A person’s height and the depth of their voice are also significant, it would seem. Male Chief Executive Officers (CEO) are over 7 centimetres taller than the average man, according to Harvard University, and those with lower-pitched voices apparently have better social connection than other CEOs.

  5. Self-presentation and the dressing way also play a role. For example, a typical pink shirt wearer earns $1,000 more per year than males who wear more sober colours for work. Another study showed that women who wear make-up are far more likely to be taken seriously than those who don’t, demonstrating that appearance itself bring rewards. 

  6. So, is style becoming more important than substance? Given the importance of the visual image in the modern media, it would not be surprising. Perhaps, teaching the art of making an impression on others may be as valuable to today’s generation as a traditional schooling. 


Read again and choose the correct answers.

What do the ‘internal or inside” factors mean?


  • A.

     Wearing make-up

  • B.

     The world around us

  • C.

     Family backgroun

  • D.

     Things people cannot see

  • E.

     Things people can see

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 39-р даалгавар

Task 1. Read the passage.

  1. Why do some achieve more than others? Ask a successful person and they may point to their talents and hard work. Investor Warren Buffet, for instance, suggests that integrity, intelligence, and energy are essential, whereas for millionaire Marc Andreessen it’s about motivation, drive, ethics, and curiosity. In short, what’s on the inside is key. Research suggests that what’s on the outside counts more than we think.

  2. Person’s intelligence and family background have much less impact after leaving university. Recent research into legal careers shows that while students from well-educated families tend to enter the profession more easily, the less advantaged students that enter usually earn more and work for better firms. Some causes of success clearly lie beyond academic achievement.

  3. Admittedly, the capacity for hard work is probably important, too. A recent study found that people who earn less than $20,000 a year spent more than a third of their time in passive leisure. By contrast, those earning more than $100,000 a year spent less than a fifth of their time relaxing.

  4. Indeed, new research suggests that a wide variety of external factors also assist high achievers. Rice University, in Texas, found that a person’s looks and smile particularly help them to gain trust and so bring employment or promotion opportunities. A person’s height and the depth of their voice are also significant, it would seem. Male Chief Executive Officers (CEO) are over 7 centimetres taller than the average man, according to Harvard University, and those with lower-pitched voices apparently have better social connection than other CEOs.

  5. Self-presentation and the dressing way also play a role. For example, a typical pink shirt wearer earns $1,000 more per year than males who wear more sober colours for work. Another study showed that women who wear make-up are far more likely to be taken seriously than those who don’t, demonstrating that appearance itself bring rewards. 

  6. So, is style becoming more important than substance? Given the importance of the visual image in the modern media, it would not be surprising. Perhaps, teaching the art of making an impression on others may be as valuable to today’s generation as a traditional schooling. 


Read again and choose the correct answers.
What is the topic of the passage?



  • A.

     The effects of good education

  • B.

     Dressing for success

  • C.

     The views of successful people

  • D.

     The impact of intelligence

  • E.

    Sources of succes

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 30-р даалгавар

Дараах транзисторуудын аль нь PNP бүтэцтэй вэ? 

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
B хувилбарын 29-р даалгавар

Хоёр галт тэрэг угталцан    ба    хурдтай хөдөлж байна. Эхний галт тэрэг    давтамжтай дуут дохио өгөв. Хоёр галт тэрэг зөрсний дараа нөгөө галт тэрэгний зорчигчид сонсогдох дохионы давтамжийг олно уу. Агаарт дуу тарах хурд    



  • A.

    550 Гц

  • B.

    600 Гц

  • C.

    666 Гц

  • D.

    542 Гц

  • E.

    650 Гц

Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
B хувилбарын 28-р даалгавар

Саадаас ойсон цуурай 4 с хугацааны дараа сонсогдов. Агаарт дуу тарах хурд 340   бол саад ямар зайд байрлах вэ? 


  • A.

    680 м

  • B.

    1360 м 

  • C.

    85 м

  • D.

    1000 м  

  • E.

    800 м

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 38-р даалгавар

Read the short conversation and choose the correct answer.

John: Ok, so that’s it. Thank you for listening. I think we have a few minutes for some questions and feedback…?

Tutor: I thought it was really good.

Anna: Yeah… I think…maybe, some animation on the slides might’ve been useful. What  do you think?

 What does Anna mean?


  • A.

    The presentation needs more animation.

  • B.

    The presentation should include fewer slides.

  • C.

    The presentation should include additional slides.


  • D.

    The slides should be more engaging with visuals or animation.

  • E.

    The presentation needs more illustrative examples.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 27-р даалгавар

Хүний сонсох дууны долгионы давтамж II мужид харгалзах бол инфра дуу аль мужид харгалзах вэ? 


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    I ба II  

  • E.

    I ба III

Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
B хувилбарын 26-р даалгавар

Резин оосроор долгион   хурдтай 2 Гц давтамжтай тархана. Долгионы урт нь ямар байх вэ?

  • A.

    12 м

  • B.

    24 м

  • C.

    0.17 м     

  • D.

    10 м

  • E.

    6 м

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 37-р даалгавар

Choose the most appropriate phrase instead of the underlined word.  

Alice: It’s so difficult. Should I take the job or not?

John: I know it’s difficult. But you have to decide one way or the other.



  • A.

      make an effort

  • B.

     make a habit

  • C.

     make a decisio

  • D.

     make an excus

  • E.

     make a change

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 25-р даалгавар

Дараах дүгнэлтүүдээс бурууг нь олно уу.

  • A.

    Нэгж хугацаанд хийх хэлбэлзлийн тоог давтамж гэнэ

  • B.

    Долгионы зэрэгцээ хоёр гүдгэрийн хоорондох зайг долгионы урт гэнэ

  • C.

    Долгион саадыг тойрон гарах үзэгдлийг дифракц гэнэ

  • D.

    Нэг бүтэн хэлбэлзэл хийх хугацааг фаз гэнэ

  • E.

    Механик долгион тэгш хатуу гадаргаас сайн ойно

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 36-р даалгавар

Choose the most polite form.

 How far is it to Darkhan city?

The most polite form: __________


  • A.

     Can you tell me how far is it to Darkhan city?

  • B.

     Could you tell me how far is it to Darkhan city

  • C.

    Tell me, how far it to Darkhan city is

  • D.

     Could you tell me how far it is to Darkhan city

  • E.

     Tell me, how far it is to Darkhan city, please?

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 24-р даалгавар

Хэлбэлзэж буй цэгүүд хэр зөрүүтэй хэлбэлзэж байгааг долгионы . . . . . . гэнэ.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
B хувилбарын 23-р даалгавар

Зурагт 4 моль 1 атомт идеал хийд явагдах 1→2→3→1 цикл процессыг үзүүлэв.

  процесст хийн дотоод энергийн өөрчлөлтийг олно уу.

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.


  • E.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 35-р даалгавар

Read the conversations and choose the best answers.

Son: Dad, will you lend me some money to buy a new drone?

Father: Well, money is rather _____ at the moment. Ask your mother.


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

     few E

  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 34-р даалгавар

Read the conversations and choose the best answers.

Bank manager: Is your company _____ money?

Customer: Yes. We are in profit, so we have a steady income.


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 22-р даалгавар

Зурагт 4 моль 1 атомт идеал хийд явагдах   цикл процессыг үзүүлэв.

Аль процесст хий ажил хийхгүй вэ?


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
B хувилбарын 21-р даалгавар

Зурагт 4 моль 1 атомт идеал хийд явагдах     цикл процессыг үзүүлэв.

1-р төлвийн эзлэхүүнийг олно уу. 

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 33-р даалгавар


Choose the correct meaning for the underlined idioms.

The police will arrest the suspect by hook or by crook.     

  • A.

     They will investigate all offenders. 

  • B.

    They will use technological devices.

  • C.

     They will mobilize all units.

  • D.

     They will use any method possible. 

  • E.

    They will be on duty at check-points.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 32-р даалгавар


Choose the correct meaning for the underlined idioms.

He was late and made up some cock-and-bull story about losing his car keys. 

  • A.

        He was upset about being late.

  • B.

      Other people thought he was true.

  • C.

      He was involved in illegal activities.

  • D.

         He told a story about animals.

  • E.

       He told a fake story.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 31-р даалгавар


Choose the best answer to solve the problem of  air pollution.  



  • A.

     temporary shelters

  • B.

     dump sites

  • C.

     organic products

  • D.

    hybrid car

  • E.

     exhaust fumes

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 30-р даалгавар

Choose the correct phrase to complete the student’s comment on study skills.

I struggle to speak for a long time and say ‘Err’ a lot when I _____.



  • A.

      run out of ideas 

  • B.

     avoid pronouncing words

  • C.

     find my spoken fluency

  • D.

     provide feedback on the grammatical accurac

  • E.

     have a significant impact

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 20-р даалгавар

Зурагт 4 моль 1 атомт идеал хийд явагдах   цикл процессыг үзүүлэв.

Процессуудыг зөв нэрлэснийг сонгоно уу. 

  • A.

    1-2 изохор, 2-3 изотерм, 3-1 изобар

  • B.

    1-2 изотерм, 2-3 изобар, 3-1 изохор

  • C.

    1-2 изобар, 2-3 изохор, 3-1 изотерм

  • D.

    1-2 изохор, 2-3 изобар, 3-1 изотерм

  • E.

    1-2 изобар, 2-3 изотерм, 3-1 изохор

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 29-р даалгавар

  • A.

    to let out

  • B.

    to make

  • C.

    to bump into

  • D.

    to burst into

  • E.

    to cry over

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 28-р даалгавар

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 27-р даалгавар


Choose the appropriate reaction of the man to what the woman says. 

Alice: Would you like some black coffee?  

Jack: I can’t drink bitter coffee.


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 26-р даалгавар


Choose the reaction that describes the man's response to what the woman says. 

 Anna: You must come and visit us some time. Don’t keep putting it off.

Tom: Yes, I’ll come and see you in the not-too-distant future.


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 25-р даалгавар


Choose the correct word and phrase to complete each sentence.

I was working on my presentation and suddenly the screen _____ black.


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 20-р даалгавар

Нүүрсийг шатаахад явагдах процессын талаар зөв мэдээллийг сонгоно уу.

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
B хувилбарын 19-р даалгавар

Биеийн дулаан-температурын хамаарлын график өгөгдөв.

Биеийн масс 0.1 кг.

Биеийн дулаан багтаамжийг олно уу.


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 19-р даалгавар

Барийн карбонатыг халаахад үүсэх бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг сонгоно уу.

  • A.

    бари ба карбонат ион          

  • B.

    бари ба нүүрстөрөгчийн диоксид

  • C.

    барийн оксид ба нүүрстөрөгч

  • D.

    барийн оксид ба нүүрстөрөгчийн диоксид

  • E.

    бари ба нүүрстөрөгч

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 18-р даалгавар

Шилжилтийн металлын физик, химийн шинж чанарын талаар буруу мэдээллийг сонгоно уу.

  • A.

    Цэвэр металл нь үелсэн талст бүтэцтэй, цөмийн цэнэг нь ижил атомуудаас тогтсон байдаг

  • B.

    Металлууд нь химийн урвалд орохдоо электроноо алдаж исэлдэн эерэг цэнэгтэй ионыг үүсгэнэ.

  • C.

    Металлын талст оронт тор дахь чөлөөт электроны нөлөөгөөр металл цахилгаан, дулааныг дамжуулдаг чанартай байна.

  • D.

    Металлын холбоонд атомууд нь талст оронт торын зангилаан дээр байрлаж зөвхөн хэлбэлзэх хөдөлгөөн хийж нягт байрших тул нягт өндөр, хайлах, буцлах цэг багатай байдаг.

  • E.

    Металлыг гаднаас ямар нэг хүчээр үйлчлэхэд талст торын үеүүд гулсан шилжих боловч металлын холбоо хэвээр байж, гагцхүү металлын хэлбэр өөрчлөгддөг.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 24-р даалгавар


Choose the correct word and phrase to complete each sentence.

The cave of the Apocalypse in Greece is in the list of UNESCO world _____ sites. 


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 17-р даалгавар

Ижил эзлэхүүнтэй, ижил концентрацтай урвалын холимгийг харуулав. Аль тохиолдолд урвал хамгийн удаан явагдах вэ?

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 16-р даалгавар

Дараах эргэх урвал өгөгджээ.


Тэнцвэр тогтсоны дараах NO2(x) ба N2O4(x) холимгийн талаар аль мэдээлэл нь зөв бэ?

  • A.

    Системийн температурыг ихэсгэвэл N2O4(x) – ийн хэмжээ ихэснэ.

  • B.

    Системийн даралтыг ихэсгэвэл N2O4(x) – ийн хэмжээ ихэснэ.

  • C.

    N2O4(x) – ийн үүсэх болон задрах урвалын хурд тэнцүү биш байна.

  • D.

    N2O4(x) – ийн задрах урвал нь экзотерм шинжтэй.

  • E.

    Системийн эзлэхүүнийг багасгавал NO2(x) – ийн хэмжээ ихэснэ.

Оноо: 3 Минут: 2
D хувилбарын 31-р даалгавар

Задание. Выберите правильный по смыслу вариант.

... музыку, Анна готовила обед.                                                                                   

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 18-р даалгавар

Биеийн дулаан-температурын хамаарлын график өгөгдөв.

Биеийн масс 0.1 кг.

Хөрөх үеийн биеийн хувийн дулаан багтаамжийг олно уу.

  • A.


  • B.

  • C.


  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 2
B хувилбарын 50-р даалгавар

Далайн усны гадарга орчмын давсжилтын газар зүйн хуваарилалтын зургийг ашиглан цэгийн оронд тохирох хувилбарыг сонгоорой.

Атлантын далайд давсжилтыг БУ400-ын дагуу үзэхэд ХӨ600 орчмоор ........... байснаа нэмэгдэж ХӨ40 – 200-ын хооронд ........... хүрсэн байна.

  • A.

    34%0; 36%0    

  • B.

    34%0; 35%0    

  • C.

    34%0; 34%0

  • D.

    28%0; 37%0

  • E.

    35%0; 37%0

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 23-р даалгавар


Choose the correct word and phrase to complete each sentence.

 In the tournament, Hannah _____ all her opponents and won the gold medal.


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 15-р даалгавар

Доогуур зурсан нэгдэл нь ангижруулагчийн үүргийг гүйцэтгэж байгаа урвалын тэгшитгэлийг сонгоно уу.

  • A.

    H2S2O7 + H2O → 2H2SO4

  • B.

    3CO + Al2O3 → 2Al + 3CO2

  • C.

    CO2 + C → 2CO

  • D.

    CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O

  • E.

    CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

Нийт: 13,274