ЭЕШ (Нийт: 13,274)

Х.Э чадамж
Танин мэдэхүйн түвшин:
Ү. нэгж
Суралцахуйн ҮД
Гүйцэтгэл Т
Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 41-р даалгавар

Засаглалын эрх мэдлийг хуваарилах, хүний эрхийг баталгаажуулах, улс орны суурь гол харилцааг зохицуулах үүрэгтэй хамгийн дээд хүчин чадалтай засаг, төрийн гол хууль аль нь вэ?

  • A.

    Захиргааны хэргийн хууль

  • B.

    Иргэний хууль

  • C.

    Үндсэн хууль

  • D.

    Хөдөлмөрийн тухай хууль

  • E.

    Эрүүгийн хууль

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 15-р даалгавар

шулуунтай перпендикуляр бөгөөд координатын эхийг дайрсан шулууны тэгшитгэлийг бичээрэй.                                                                                         

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 46-р даалгавар

How do you survive an earthquake? Whether or not you live in an earthquake zone, it’s best to be prepared … Earthquakes happen because of the movement of plates in the Earth’s outer layer (the ‘mantle’), which can break and split into new positions. These movements cause vibrations (‘seismic waves’) that travel along the Earth’s surface. You are more likely to experience an earthquake If you live near a fault line (a crack or weakness) in one of the plates. If you’re inside a building when an earthquake happens … • Stay inside. Get under a piece of heavy furniture (e.g. a table), or crouch in a corner formed by two inside walls with your arms over your head. • Keep away from windows and any objects that might fall and injure you. If you’re outside … • Move as far away as possible from buildings, trees, streetlamps, etc. Lie on the ground and cover your head. • If you are in a car, stay in it, but pull over away from buildings, bridges etc. After the earthquake it might be helpful to use a piece of cloth to breathe through, to filter the dust. If you are in a building, wait until it’s safe before you run outside – there may well be aftershocks.

After the earthquake you may need to use ________

  • A.

    a piece of heavy furniture

  • B.

    a piece of napkin to breathe through.

  • C.

    streetlamps to keep warm.

  • D.

    a corner formed by two inside walls.

  • E.

    a car and stay in it.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 14-р даалгавар

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 40-р даалгавар

Хөдөлмөрийн тухай хуулийн 40-р зүйлд зааснаар ажил олгогчийн санаачлагаар хөдөлмөрийн гэрээг цуцлах үндэслэл аль нь вэ?

  • A.

    Өөрийн хүсэлтээр

  • B.

    Насанд хүрээгүй

  • C.

    Удирдах албан тушаалтантай зөрчилдсөн

  • D.

    Ажил олгогчийн итгэлийг алдсан буруутай үйлдэл гаргасан нь тогтоогдсон

  • E.

    Ар гэрт гэнэтийн ажил гарахад

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 45-р даалгавар

How do you survive an earthquake? Whether or not you live in an earthquake zone, it’s best to be prepared … Earthquakes happen because of the movement of plates in the Earth’s outer layer (the ‘mantle’), which can break and split into new positions. These movements cause vibrations (‘seismic waves’) that travel along the Earth’s surface. You are more likely to experience an earthquake If you live near a fault line (a crack or weakness) in one of the plates. If you’re inside a building when an earthquake happens … • Stay inside. Get under a piece of heavy furniture (e.g. a table), or crouch in a corner formed by two inside walls with your arms over your head. • Keep away from windows and any objects that might fall and injure you. If you’re outside … • Move as far away as possible from buildings, trees, streetlamps, etc. Lie on the ground and cover your head. • If you are in a car, stay in it, but pull over away from buildings, bridges etc. After the earthquake it might be helpful to use a piece of cloth to breathe through, to filter the dust. If you are in a building, wait until it’s safe before you run outside – there may well be aftershocks.

According to the text which of the following is not true?



  • A.

    Keep away from windows

  • B.

    Stay inside a building

  • C.

    Get on the ground and cover your head

  • D.

    Lie on the ground and cover your head.

  • E.

    Wait until it’s safe before running outside

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 13-р даалгавар

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
B хувилбарын 26-р даалгавар

Хайлах температурт байгаа 100 г масстай мөсний хагасыг нь хайлуулахад хэчнээн хэмжээний дулааны энерги зарцуулагдах вэ?

(Мөсний хайлахын хувийн дулаан 332 кЖ/кг)     

  • A.

    16.6 кЖ             

  • B.

    3.32 кЖ        

  • C.

    33200 кЖ           

  • D.

    16600 кЖ       

  • E.

      6.64 кЖ

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 44-р даалгавар

How do you survive an earthquake? Whether or not you live in an earthquake zone, it’s best to be prepared … Earthquakes happen because of the movement of plates in the Earth’s outer layer (the ‘mantle’), which can break and split into new positions. These movements cause vibrations (‘seismic waves’) that travel along the Earth’s surface. You are more likely to experience an earthquake If you live near a fault line (a crack or weakness) in one of the plates. If you’re inside a building when an earthquake happens … • Stay inside. Get under a piece of heavy furniture (e.g. a table), or crouch in a corner formed by two inside walls with your arms over your head. • Keep away from windows and any objects that might fall and injure you. If you’re outside … • Move as far away as possible from buildings, trees, streetlamps, etc. Lie on the ground and cover your head. • If you are in a car, stay in it, but pull over away from buildings, bridges etc. After the earthquake it might be helpful to use a piece of cloth to breathe through, to filter the dust. If you are in a building, wait until it’s safe before you run outside – there may well be aftershocks.

The pronoun it in bold and underlined in the text refers to _______.



  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    earthquake zone        

  • E.

    the earth

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 12-р даалгавар

  • A.

  • B.

    \left [ 0;3 \right ]

  • C.

    \left [ 0;1 \right ]

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 39-р даалгавар

Иргэний эрх зүйн харилцаа нь хүний эрх, эрх чөлөөний үндэс болохын хувьд ямар зарчмаар баталгаажсан байдаг вэ?

  • A.

    чадвар, чадамжийн

  • B.

    тэгш байдлын

  • C.

    түгээмэл тунхаглалын

  • D.

    эрх үүргийн

  • E.

    хүний чөлөөт байдлын

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 43-р даалгавар

How do you survive an earthquake? Whether or not you live in an earthquake zone, it’s best to be prepared … Earthquakes happen because of the movement of plates in the Earth’s outer layer (the ‘mantle’), which can break and split into new positions. These movements cause vibrations (‘seismic waves’) that travel along the Earth’s surface. You are more likely to experience an earthquake If you live near a fault line (a crack or weakness) in one of the plates. If you’re inside a building when an earthquake happens … • Stay inside. Get under a piece of heavy furniture (e.g. a table), or crouch in a corner formed by two inside walls with your arms over your head. • Keep away from windows and any objects that might fall and injure you. If you’re outside … • Move as far away as possible from buildings, trees, streetlamps, etc. Lie on the ground and cover your head. • If you are in a car, stay in it, but pull over away from buildings, bridges etc. After the earthquake it might be helpful to use a piece of cloth to breathe through, to filter the dust. If you are in a building, wait until it’s safe before you run outside – there may well be aftershocks.

According to the text, the cause of an earthquake is _______.


  • A.

    the movement of the Earth

  • B.

    the aftershocks

  • C.

    the new positions

  • D.

    a fracture or weakness

  • E.

    the motion of plates

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 38-р даалгавар

Хүний эрхийн түгээмэл тунхаглалд заасан тэгш байдлыг хангах зарчмыг илэрхийлсэн утгыг тэмдэглэнэ үү.

  • A.

    Хүн болж төрснийхөө хувьд хүн бүр ижил үнэ цэнтэй байж, адил хүндэтгэлийг хүлээнэ.

  • B.

    Арьс өнгө, хүйс, хэл яриа, шашин шүтлэг, үзэл бодол, нийгмийн гарал, өмч хөрөнгө, төрсөн байдал зэргээс үл хамааран хэнийг ч ялгаварлан гадуурхаж болохгүй.

  • C.

    Бүх хүн аливаа ялгаваргүйгээр тэгш хүртэх түгээмэл шинж чанартай байх

  • D.

    Иргэний, улс төрийн, нийгэм эдийн засаг, соёлын болон хамтын эрх зэрэг хүний бүх эрхүүд нэгдмэл байна.

  • E.

    Хүний эрх нь орон гэр, сургууль, ажлын байр, зах зэрэг газар бүрт, амьдралын бүхий л хүрээг хамардаг.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 42-р даалгавар

How do you survive an earthquake? Whether or not you live in an earthquake zone, it’s best to be prepared … Earthquakes happen because of the movement of plates in the Earth’s outer layer (the ‘mantle’), which can break and split into new positions. These movements cause vibrations (‘seismic waves’) that travel along the Earth’s surface. You are more likely to experience an earthquake If you live near a fault line (a crack or weakness) in one of the plates. If you’re inside a building when an earthquake happens … • Stay inside. Get under a piece of heavy furniture (e.g. a table), or crouch in a corner formed by two inside walls with your arms over your head. • Keep away from windows and any objects that might fall and injure you. If you’re outside … • Move as far away as possible from buildings, trees, streetlamps, etc. Lie on the ground and cover your head. • If you are in a car, stay in it, but pull over away from buildings, bridges etc. After the earthquake it might be helpful to use a piece of cloth to breathe through, to filter the dust. If you are in a building, wait until it’s safe before you run outside – there may well be aftershocks.

You are more likely to be affected by an earthquake if you live near a _______



  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    fault line

  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 11-р даалгавар

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 41-р даалгавар

How do you survive an earthquake? Whether or not you live in an earthquake zone, it’s best to be prepared … Earthquakes happen because of the movement of plates in the Earth’s outer layer (the ‘mantle’), which can break and split into new positions. These movements cause vibrations (‘seismic waves’) that travel along the Earth’s surface. You are more likely to experience an earthquake If you live near a fault line (a crack or weakness) in one of the plates. If you’re inside a building when an earthquake happens … • Stay inside. Get under a piece of heavy furniture (e.g. a table), or crouch in a corner formed by two inside walls with your arms over your head. • Keep away from windows and any objects that might fall and injure you. If you’re outside … • Move as far away as possible from buildings, trees, streetlamps, etc. Lie on the ground and cover your head. • If you are in a car, stay in it, but pull over away from buildings, bridges etc. After the earthquake it might be helpful to use a piece of cloth to breathe through, to filter the dust. If you are in a building, wait until it’s safe before you run outside – there may well be aftershocks.

What is the main purpose of the text?


  • A.

    Writing an essay

  • B.

    Giving advice

  • C.

    Telling a tale

  • D.

    Telling a story

  • E.

    Explaining an experiment

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 37-р даалгавар

Хүний эрхэм чанарын үндсэн шинжид аль нь хамаарах вэ?

  • A.

    Хүний эрхэм чанар тухайн хүнээс өөрөөс нь шалтгаална

  • B.

    Хүний эрхэм чанар нь хүн бүрд харилцан адилгүй байна

  • C.

    Хүний эрхэм чанар нь хэмжигдэх үнэт зүйл

  • D.

    Хүний эрхэм чанарыг хүнээс салгаж үл болно

  • E.

    Хүний эрхэм чанарт хэн нэгэн нөлөөлж чадахгүй

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 36-р даалгавар

Г.Алмондын судалснаар аномик шинжтэй бүлгийн үйл ажиллагаа, зохион байгуулалтын гол онцлог юу вэ?

  • A.

    Тодорхой зорилго чиглэлтэй зохион байгуулалттай бүлэг

  • B.

    Тодорхой зохион байгуулалтгүй цугларалт, бослого, үймээн

  • C.

    Гол төлөв яс үндэс, шашин шүтлэг, нас хүйсээрээ нэгддэг бүлэг

  • D.

    Цэрэг арми, сүм хийдийн дор зохион байгуулагдан үүсдэг бүлэг

  • E.

    Өөрсдийн эрх ашгийг илэрхийлсэн явцуу, хууль бус үүсдэг бүлэг

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 40-р даалгавар

Guide: We are now approaching the famous Statue of Liberty, which has welcomed visitors to New York Harbor since 1886. Tourist 1: Wow! Look at it. Tourist 2: 38. _______ Guide: The statue was given to the United States by the people of France. It was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi. Tourist 1: It’s really huge. Do we get to go inside? Tourist 2: 39. _______ Tourist 1: Stairs? There is no elevator? Guide: The statue of Liberty is major tourist attraction, and every year it is visited by millions of people from all over the world. There are 354 steps to the top of the crown. Tourist 1: Did you hear that? 354 steps! Tourist 2: Oh, come on, you can do it! People do it every day! Guide: The statue was manufactured in France, and shipped to New York in 1884. It arrived a year later. Then it was assembled on Liberty Island, where it stands today. Putting it together took four months. Tourist 1: I’m not feeling so good. ... Tourist 2: Oh, stop! It’ll be fun! Guide: Please be back at the boat in 30 minutes. 40. _______, the statue is currently closed to visitors. You may walk around the island, but you may not climb the stairs to the top.

Complete the blank from the given options.


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 39-р даалгавар

Guide: We are now approaching the famous Statue of Liberty, which has welcomed visitors to New York Harbor since 1886. Tourist 1: Wow! Look at it. Tourist 2: 38. _______ Guide: The statue was given to the United States by the people of France. It was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi. Tourist 1: It’s really huge. Do we get to go inside? Tourist 2: 39. _______ Tourist 1: Stairs? There is no elevator? Guide: The statue of Liberty is major tourist attraction, and every year it is visited by millions of people from all over the world. There are 354 steps to the top of the crown. Tourist 1: Did you hear that? 354 steps! Tourist 2: Oh, come on, you can do it! People do it every day! Guide: The statue was manufactured in France, and shipped to New York in 1884. It arrived a year later. Then it was assembled on Liberty Island, where it stands today. Putting it together took four months. Tourist 1: I’m not feeling so good. ... Tourist 2: Oh, stop! It’ll be fun! Guide: Please be back at the boat in 30 minutes. 40. _______, the statue is currently closed to visitors. You may walk around the island, but you may not climb the stairs to the top.

Complete the blank from the given options.


  • A.

    I think we can climb the stairs all the way up to the crown.

  • B.

    We can use an elevator to go up to the crown.

  • C.

    We should pay for climbing up to the crown.

  • D.

    No, we can't, There are no stairs up to the crown

  • E.

    I think it’s just a giant statue.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
B хувилбарын 25-р даалгавар

Ижилхэн материалаар хийсэн гурван цул бие өгөгджээ. Үүнд: 1 см талтай куб, 1 см радиустай бөмбөрцөг, хөндлөн огтлолын  радиус 1 см, өндөр нь 1 см хэмжээтэй цилиндр. Эдгээр биед ижилхэн хэмжээний дулааны энерги өгөв. Аль бие нь бага халсан бэ?               

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    Куб, бөмбөрцөг

  • E.

    Куб, цилиндр 

Оноо: 3 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 35-р даалгавар

2015 оны ардчилсан засаглал судалгааны дүнгээс: Хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгсэл нь улс төрөөс хараат бус байдаг гэдэгтэй судалгаанд хамрагдсан иргэдийн 42,6 хувь нь санал нийлдэггүй,  23,0 хувь нь дунд зэрэг, 8,2 хувь нь санал нийлдэг гэж үзжээ. Дээрх эх сурвалж ямар асуудлыг хөндөж байна вэ?

  • A.

    Мэдээллийн хэрэгслийн улс төрөөс хараат бус байдлын талаарх шашны судалгааны дүгнэлт

  • B.

    Улс төрийн намуудын санхүүгээс хараат бус байдлын талаарх иргэдийн санал

  • C.

    Мэдээллийн хэрэгслийн улс төрөөс хараат бус байдлын талаарх иргэдийн

  • D.

    Сонирхлын бүлгүүд улс төрөөс хараат бус байдлын талаарх иргэдийн санал

  • E.

    Иргэний нийгмийн зохион байгуулалтын үйл ажиллагааны шаардлага

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 38-р даалгавар

Guide: We are now approaching the famous Statue of Liberty, which has welcomed visitors to New York Harbor since 1886. Tourist 1: Wow! Look at it. Tourist 2: 38. _______ Guide: The statue was given to the United States by the people of France. It was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi. Tourist 1: It’s really huge. Do we get to go inside? Tourist 2: 39. _______ Tourist 1: Stairs? There is no elevator? Guide: The statue of Liberty is major tourist attraction, and every year it is visited by millions of people from all over the world. There are 354 steps to the top of the crown. Tourist 1: Did you hear that? 354 steps! Tourist 2: Oh, come on, you can do it! People do it every day! Guide: The statue was manufactured in France, and shipped to New York in 1884. It arrived a year later. Then it was assembled on Liberty Island, where it stands today. Putting it together took four months. Tourist 1: I’m not feeling so good. ... Tourist 2: Oh, stop! It’ll be fun! Guide: Please be back at the boat in 30 minutes. 40. _______, the statue is currently closed to visitors. You may walk around the island, but you may not climb the stairs to the top.

Complete the blank from the given options.

  • A.

    It is visited by millions of people.

  • B.

    Yes, it is very modern

  • C.

    Yes, it has 354 steps.

  • D.

    Have you seen this before?

  • E.

    Incredible, isn’t it?

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
B хувилбарын 24-р даалгавар

Зурагт үзүүлсэн хаттай пүршинд холбосон масстай ачаа үрэлтгүй гадарга дээр байрлана. Анх пүрш деформацлагдаагүй байв. Ачаанд u хурд олгосон бол пүрш ямар хэмжээгээр шахагдах вэ?  

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 10-р даалгавар

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.

  • D.


  • E.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 9-р даалгавар

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 37-р даалгавар

Guide: We are now approaching the famous Statue of Liberty, which has welcomed visitors to New York Harbor since 1886. Tourist 1: Wow! Look at it. Tourist 2: 38. _______ Guide: The statue was given to the United States by the people of France. It was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi. Tourist 1: It’s really huge. Do we get to go inside? Tourist 2: 39. _______ Tourist 1: Stairs? There is no elevator? Guide: The statue of Liberty is major tourist attraction, and every year it is visited by millions of people from all over the world. There are 354 steps to the top of the crown. Tourist 1: Did you hear that? 354 steps! Tourist 2: Oh, come on, you can do it! People do it every day! Guide: The statue was manufactured in France, and shipped to New York in 1884. It arrived a year later. Then it was assembled on Liberty Island, where it stands today. Putting it together took four months. Tourist 1: I’m not feeling so good. ... Tourist 2: Oh, stop! It’ll be fun! Guide: Please be back at the boat in 30 minutes. 40. _______, the statue is currently closed to visitors. You may walk around the island, but you may not climb the stairs to the top.

When was the Statue of Liberty completed to be built on the island?



  • A.

    It was completed in 1883

  • B.

    It was completed in 1884

  • C.

    It was completed in 1886

  • D.

    It was completed in 1885

  • E.

    It was completed in 1887.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 8-р даалгавар

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 34-р даалгавар

Ардчилсан нийгэмд хэвлэл мэдээлэл иргэдэд үнэн зөв мэдээлэл хүргэхдээ баримталдаг зарчмуудад хамаарахгүй өгөгдлийг тэмдэглэнэ үү.

  • A.

    Ард түмний эрх ашгийг илэрхийлсэн дуу хоолой байх

  • B.

    Нэг хүний эрх ашгийн төлөө бус үнэн зөв мэдээлэл дамжуулах

  • C.

    Бүх нийтэд тэгш хүргэх боломжийг нь хуулиар хангах

  • D.

    Эрх баригч намын байр суурийг бэхжүүлэх мэдээлэл дамжуулах

  • E.

    Хэвлэл мэдээлийн ажилтнуудын эрх ашгийг хамгаалах

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 7-р даалгавар

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 36-р даалгавар

Guide: We are now approaching the famous Statue of Liberty, which has welcomed visitors to New York Harbor since 1886. Tourist 1: Wow! Look at it. Tourist 2: 38. _______ Guide: The statue was given to the United States by the people of France. It was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi. Tourist 1: It’s really huge. Do we get to go inside? Tourist 2: 39. _______ Tourist 1: Stairs? There is no elevator? Guide: The statue of Liberty is major tourist attraction, and every year it is visited by millions of people from all over the world. There are 354 steps to the top of the crown. Tourist 1: Did you hear that? 354 steps! Tourist 2: Oh, come on, you can do it! People do it every day! Guide: The statue was manufactured in France, and shipped to New York in 1884. It arrived a year later. Then it was assembled on Liberty Island, where it stands today. Putting it together took four months. Tourist 1: I’m not feeling so good. ... Tourist 2: Oh, stop! It’ll be fun! Guide: Please be back at the boat in 30 minutes. 40. _______, the statue is currently closed to visitors. You may walk around the island, but you may not climb the stairs to the top.

What is the conversation about?



  • A.

    It is about the French sculptor Bartholdi.

  • B.

    It is about a travel around the USA.

  • C.

    It is about a tour of the Statue of Liberty in France.

  • D.

    It is about the history of New York Harbor.

  • E.

    It is about a boat tour of New York Harbor

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 6-р даалгавар

Зурагт дүрслэгдсэн олонлогийн будагдсан хэсгийг тодорхойл.                         

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 33-р даалгавар

Сонгогчдоос 50-аас дээш хувийн санал авсан нэр дэвшигчийг ялсанд тооцдог сонгуулийн тогтолцоо аль нь вэ?

  • A.

    Саналыг харгалзах

  • B.

    Харьцангуй олонх

  • C.

    Үнэмлэхүй олонх

  • D.

    Хувь тэнцүүлэх

  • E.

    Энгийн олонх

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 5-р даалгавар

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 35-р даалгавар

John would like to have a car like mine. He had set his heart on my car, but he was unhappy that I sold it


  • A.

    Really want something

  • B.

    Fall in love something

  • C.

    Fond of something

  • D.

    Really love technology

  • E.

    Really like vehicles

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 34-р даалгавар

My brother wasn’t being that serious. He was just pulling your leg. He just wanted you to be relaxed.

  • A.

    To laugh at

  • B.

    To tell a lie

  • C.

    To tell the truth

  • D.

    To play a joke

  • E.

    To tell stupid stories

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
A хувилбарын 32-р даалгавар

Бүх нийтээр оролцох сонгуулийн зарчмыг тэмдэглэнэ үү.

  • A.

    Нас хүйс, яс үндэс, мэргэжил, үзэл бодлоос үл шалтгаалан  оролцох

  • B.

    Сонгогч бүр ижил тооны санал гаргах, санал бүр адил жинтэй байх

  • C.

    Сонгуулийн эцсийн үр дүн нь иргэдийн санал хураалтаар шийдэгдэх

  • D.

    Чөлөөтэй сонголт хийн саналаа чөлөөтэй илэрхийлэх боломжтой байх

  • E.

    Сонгогч зөвхөн өөрийн сонголтоор саналаа өгөх боломжтой байх

Оноо: 1 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 4-р даалгавар

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 33-р даалгавар

Michael is the only senior student in our selected group for the student math competition. He’s a head and shoulders above the other students.

  • A.

    On top of others

  • B.

    Much better than others 

  • C.

    The best among others

  • D.

    Much taller than others

  • E.

    Higher rank than others

Оноо: 2 Минут: 0
C хувилбарын 32-р даалгавар

Justin came _______ a lot of money when his aunt died.


  • A.


  • B.

    up with

  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Нийт: 13,274