20 кг масстай ачааг утасны нэг үзүүрт олсоор бэхлэн үл хөдлөх эргэвч дээгүүр тохон хөдөлгөөнгүй барив. Олсны татах хүчний хэмжээг тодорхойлно уу.
A.10 кг
B.200 Н
C.100 Н
D.20 кг
Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Teenagers in modern day
What do we know about modern teens, known as Generation Z? Connected yet isolated, savvy but anxious, indulged yet stressed, they have grown up with social media. For example, on average, young people in the UK spend three hours online every day. The most popular apps are Snapchat, Instagram and the messaging app Kik. In the UK, the average teenager has at least 150 followers on Instagram, and spends much time on Snapchat.
Influenced by exposure to the online environment at an early age, today's teens are more knowledgeable about digital and mobile technology than previous generations. They are also more skillful when they work with new technology. It is said that they are becoming the best behaved, being respectful of diversity in this diverse world community. Socially, they have been active in politics, being more concerned about social justice and human rights. They are improving their knowledge about problems among their peers such as cyber addiction, bullying and peer pressure.
However, there are some negative consequences of the online environment on today's teenagers. It is said that this new media is making teens more lonely, anxious and depressed. The pressure on young people these days is absolutely extraordinary because they are living with lots of stress. It has been observed that these negative feelings are making them have less self-confidence.
What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. Positive changes of teenagers today
B. Psychological issues of teenagers
C. The importance of social media for teen's life
D. Modern teenagers and their use of technology
Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Teenagers in modern day
What do we know about modern teens, known as Generation Z? Connected yet isolated, savvy but anxious, indulged yet stressed, they have grown up with social media. For example, on average, young people in the UK spend three hours online every day. The most popular apps are Snapchat, Instagram and the messaging app Kik. In the UK, the average teenager has at least 150 followers on Instagram, and spends much time on Snapchat.
Influenced by exposure to the online environment at an early age, today's teens are more knowledgeable about digital and mobile technology than previous generations. They are also more skillful when they work with new technology. It is said that they are becoming the best behaved, being respectful of diversity in this diverse world community. Socially, they have been active in politics, being more concerned about social justice and human rights. They are improving their knowledge about problems among their peers such as cyber addiction, bullying and peer pressure.
However, there are some negative consequences of the online environment on today's teenagers. It is said that this new media is making teens more lonely, anxious and depressed. The pressure on young people these days is absolutely extraordinary because they are living with lots of stress. It has been observed that these negative feelings are making them have less self-confidence.
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Positive changes of teenagers today
B. Psychological issues of teenagers
C. The importance of social media for teen's life
D. Modern teenagers and their use of technology
Нэгэн сурагч түлхүүр, хоёр чийдэн, нэг зай ашиглан цахилгаан хэлхээ угсарсан бөгөөд түүний угсарсан хэлхээний түлхүүрийг залгах болон салгах үед хоёр чийдэн хоёулаа асаалттай байх цахилгаан хэлхээг сонгоно уу.
Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Teenagers in modern day
What do we know about modern teens, known as Generation Z? Connected yet isolated, savvy but anxious, indulged yet stressed, they have grown up with social media. For example, on average, young people in the UK spend three hours online every day. The most popular apps are Snapchat, Instagram and the messaging app Kik. In the UK, the average teenager has at least 150 followers on Instagram, and spends much time on Snapchat.
Influenced by exposure to the online environment at an early age, today's teens are more knowledgeable about digital and mobile technology than previous generations. They are also more skillful when they work with new technology. It is said that they are becoming the best behaved, being respectful of diversity in this diverse world community. Socially, they have been active in politics, being more concerned about social justice and human rights. They are improving their knowledge about problems among their peers such as cyber addiction, bullying and peer pressure.
However, there are some negative consequences of the online environment on today's teenagers. It is said that this new media is making teens more lonely, anxious and depressed. The pressure on young people these days is absolutely extraordinary because they are living with lots of stress. It has been observed that these negative feelings are making them have less self-confidence.
What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Positive changes of teenagers today
B. Psychological issues of teenagers
C. The importance of social media for teen's life
D. Modern teenagers and their use of technology
Зурагт цахилгаан хэлхээг залгахад соронзон зүү (луужин) хазайсан харагдаж байна. Туршилтыг ажиглан дараах өгүүлбэрүүдээс тохирохыг сонгоно уу.
A.Соронзон зүү (луужин) дэлхийн соронзонтой таталцаж хазайсан.
B.Дамжуулагчаар гүйдэл гүйхэд түүний эргэн тойронд цахилгаан орон үүснэ.
C.Дамжуулагчаар гүйдэл гүйхэд түүний эргэн тойронд соронзон орон үүснэ.
D.Соронзон зүү (луужин) гүйдэл үүсгэгчтэй таталцаж хазайсан.
Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Teenagers in modern day
What do we know about modern teens, known as Generation Z? Connected yet isolated, savvy but anxious, indulged yet stressed, they have grown up with social media. For example, on average, young people in the UK spend three hours online every day. The most popular apps are Snapchat, Instagram and the messaging app Kik. In the UK, the average teenager has at least 150 followers on Instagram, and spends much time on Snapchat.
Influenced by exposure to the online environment at an early age, today's teens are more knowledgeable about digital and mobile technology than previous generations. They are also more skillful when they work with new technology. It is said that they are becoming the best behaved, being respectful of diversity in this diverse world community. Socially, they have been active in politics, being more concerned about social justice and human rights. They are improving their knowledge about problems among their peers such as cyber addiction, bullying and peer pressure.
However, there are some negative consequences of the online environment on today's teenagers. It is said that this new media is making teens more lonely, anxious and depressed. The pressure on young people these days is absolutely extraordinary because they are living with lots of stress. It has been observed that these negative feelings are making them have less self-confidence.
The phrase cyber addiction in last line of paragraph 2 refers to ...
A. Intelligent and well-informed use of technology
B. Effective use of platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.
C. Excessive use of frightening and hurting others
D. Excessive use of time spent in online environment
Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Teenagers in modern day
What do we know about modern teens, known as Generation Z? Connected yet isolated, savvy but anxious, indulged yet stressed, they have grown up with social media. For example, on average, young people in the UK spend three hours online every day. The most popular apps are Snapchat, Instagram and the messaging app Kik. In the UK, the average teenager has at least 150 followers on Instagram, and spends much time on Snapchat.
Influenced by exposure to the online environment at an early age, today's teens are more knowledgeable about digital and mobile technology than previous generations. They are also more skillful when they work with new technology. It is said that they are becoming the best behaved, being respectful of diversity in this diverse world community. Socially, they have been active in politics, being more concerned about social justice and human rights. They are improving their knowledge about problems among their peers such as cyber addiction, bullying and peer pressure.
However, there are some negative consequences of the online environment on today's teenagers. It is said that this new media is making teens more lonely, anxious and depressed. The pressure on young people these days is absolutely extraordinary because they are living with lots of stress. It has been observed that these negative feelings are making them have less self-confidence.
What negative changes are today's teens experiencing?
A. They are experiencing a variety of stress-related problems
B. They are making more friends and becoming more confident
C. They are becoming more politically active and knowledgeable
D. The average number of Instagram users is decreasing below 150.
Цэгийн оронд тохирох ойлголтыг сонгоорой.
Засгийн газар болон бусад эрх бүхий этгээдээс гаргасан бүх төрлийн хувьцаа болонд бонд, түүнийг худалдах, худалдан авах эрхийн бичгийг нийтэд нь ............... гэж нэрлэнэ.
A. Брокер
B. Үнэт цаас
C. Хувьцаа
D. Санхүүгийн зах зээл
Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Teenagers in modern day
What do we know about modern teens, known as Generation Z? Connected yet isolated, savvy but anxious, indulged yet stressed, they have grown up with social media. For example, on average, young people in the UK spend three hours online every day. The most popular apps are Snapchat, Instagram and the messaging app Kik. In the UK, the average teenager has at least 150 followers on Instagram, and spends much time on Snapchat.
Influenced by exposure to the online environment at an early age, today's teens are more knowledgeable about digital and mobile technology than previous generations. They are also more skillful when they work with new technology. It is said that they are becoming the best behaved, being respectful of diversity in this diverse world community. Socially, they have been active in politics, being more concerned about social justice and human rights. They are improving their knowledge about problems among their peers such as cyber addiction, bullying and peer pressure.
However, there are some negative consequences of the online environment on today's teenagers. It is said that this new media is making teens more lonely, anxious and depressed. The pressure on young people these days is absolutely extraordinary because they are living with lots of stress. It has been observed that these negative feelings are making them have less self-confidence.
What positive changes are today's teens experiencing?
A. They are having issues of how to use social media.
B. They are becoming more skillful at accessing technologies.
C. The average number of Instagram users is increasing above 150.
D. They are dealing with their loneliness and anxiety effectively.
What phrase should you use to finish your presentation?
A. In addition, ...
B. on the other hand, ...
C. However, ...
D. To sum up, ...
What phrase would you use to add more positive ideas to your presentation?
A. To conslude, ...
B. However, ...
C. Firstly, ...
D. In addition, ...
What phrase can you use to start your presentation?
A. To sum up, ...
B. I'd like to talk about ....
C. What's more ....
D. Also, ...
A: What do you usually do in your leisure time?
B: When I have free time, I enjoy ________ Then, I give my friends the sweaters and the socks that I
made as a present.
A. assembling models
B. collecting coins
C. knitting and weaving
D. duct tape designing
A: 'I like everything about Japanese culture. Plus, I truly enjoy watching cartoons. I would like to find others who have the same interest as me. What should I do?'
B: 'I think you could join _______ '
A. a chorus club
B. an anime club
C. a chess club
D. a school orchestra
A: 'I love speaking in public. So, I want to learn to express my ideas clearly. Where can I develop my public speaking skills?'
B: 'You should join _______ '
A. a pottery club
B. a drawing club
C. a debate club
D. an anime club
Тогтмол соронзонд зурагт өгөгдсөнөөр төмрийг ойртуулахад P, Q тал ямар туйлтай болох вэ?
A.P өмнөд туйлтай болно.
B.P хойд туйлтай болно.
C.P, Q соронзлогдоогүй.
D.Соронзонгийн туйл солигдоно.
Choose the correct option.
What advice would you give to your friend who wants to avoid from cheating and plagiarism in college?
A. You'd better learn to paraphrase and use quotations effectively.
B. You'd rather learn to cheat and plagiarize effectively.
C. You ought not to learn to paraphrase and use quotations effectively.
D. You might want to learn to copy and paste your assignments effectively.
Уулын оройгоос чаргатай хүн уулын бэл хүртэл гулсав. Уулын дунд хэсэгт энергийг зөв тайлбарласан вэ?
A.Кинетик энерги ихсэж, потенциал энерги ихэснэ.
B.Кинетик энерги буурч, потенциал энерги багасна.
C.Кинетик энерги ихсэж, потенциал энерги багасна.
D.Кинетик энерги буурч, потенциал энерги ихэснэ.
Choose the correct option.
What would you do if you see bullying among teens?
A. I ought to criticize the teens for complaining.
B. I shouldn't tell anyone about it at all.
C. I might gossip about it to your peers.
D. I have to report it to the teacher.
Үйлдвэрт нэгэн эмэгтэй хайрцгийг тавиур дээр гаргаж байгааг зурагт үзүүлэв. Аль тавиур дээр гаргахад бага ажил хийх вэ?
A.Хайрцгийг А тавиур луу удаанаар зөөх үед
B.Хайрцгийг А тавиур луу хурдан зөөх үед
C.А тавиур дээр хайрцгийг байрлуулах үед
D.В тавиур дээр хайрцгийг байрлуулах үед
Зурагт үзүүлснээр удааны савны ёроол хэсэгт дөрвөн тал дээр ижил хэмжээний нүхийг ижил өндөрт гарган ус хийхэд нүхээр ус олгойдон гоожин ижил зайд тусав. Энэ нь шингэний.................... тал тал тийш................... хэмжээтэй үйлчлэл үзүүлдгийг харуулж байна.
Цэгийн орондтохирох үгийг сонгоно уу.
A. хүч, бага
B.даралт, ижил
C.хүч, өөр
D.даралт, бага
Choose the correct passive form.
We must reduce desertification and deforestation in Mongolia before it is too late.
A. Desertification and deforestation must reduce in Mongolia before it is too late.
B. Desertification and deforestation must be reduced in Mongolia before it is too late.
C. Mongolia must reduce desertification and deforestation before it is too late.
D. Mongolia must be reduced desertification and deforestation before it is too late.
Choose the correct passive form.
First-year university students have faced various academic challenges this semester.
A. Academic challenges have various been faced by the first-year university students this semester.
B. Academic various challenges has been faced with first-year university students this semester.
C. Various academic challenges have faced with first-year university students this semester.
D. Various academic challenges have been faced by first-year university students this semester.
Choose the correct passive form.
Children don't play board games such as Monopoly or chess anymore.
A. Board games such as Monopoly or chess don't play by children anymore.
B. Board games such as Monopoly or chess aren't played by children anymore.
C. Children aren't played with board games such as Monopoly or chess anymore.
D. Children aren't been played by board games such as Monopoly or chess anymore.
More and more people are learning English _______ it has become the dominant language of science, technology, culture and diplomacy.
A. based that
B. due to the fact that
C. reason that
D. in spite of
The National Theatre is a place _____ traditional performances such as contortions and throat singing are shown.
A. where
B. which
C. who
D. whom
'Who was Queen Sorhugtani?'
She was a wise and a powerful woman ____ raised the great khans of Mongolia'.
A. which
B. whom
C. who
D. whom
The students _____ time management skills by the end of the spring semester.
A. will acquire
B. will have acquired
C. will be acquired
D. will being acquired
Нийгмийн байр сууль, боловсролын түвшин, нутаг ус, сэтгэлзүйн байдлыг үгэн бус харилцааны аль онцлогоос мэдэх боломжтой вэ?
A. Дуу хоолой
B. Орон зай
C. Гар хөлийн байрлал, хөдөлгөөн
D. Нүүр хувирал
Үгээр илэрхийлсэн утга санааг илүү хүчтэй болох нь үгэн бус харилцааны аль үүрэгт хамаарах вэ?
A. Хүч нэмэх
B. Зөрчилдөх
C. Орлох
D. Нэмэх
Үгээр илэрхийлсэн утга санаанд нэмэлт болох нь үгэн бус харилцааны аль үүрэгт хамаарах вэ?
A. Хүч нэмэх
B. Зөрчилдөх
C. Орлох
D. Нэмэх
Дохио зангаа, дуу хоолойн өнгө, нүүрний хувирал, биеийн байрлал, хөдөлгөөн зэргийг хэрхэн нэрлэдэг вэ?
A. Биеийн хэл
B. Үгэн харилцаа
C. Үгэн бус харилцаа
D. Харилцаа
Аливаа мэдээллийг үг ашиглахгүйгээр илгээх хүлээн авах үйл явц нь харилцааны аль хэлбэрт хамаарах вэ?
A. Үгэн харилцаа
B. Үгэн бус харилцаа
C. Биеийн хэл
D. Харилцаа
Аливаа мэдээллийг үг ашиглан амаар болон бичгээр илэрхийлэх нь харилцааны аль хэлбэрт хамаарах вэ?
A. Үгэн харилцаа
B. Үгэн бус харилцаа
C. Биеийн хэл
D. Харилцаа
Аман харилцааны сул талыг буруу илэрхийлсэн ойлголт аль вэ?
A. Үр дүнтэй сонсох чавар, дадал хэрэгтэй
B. Мэдээлэл нь тодорхой бус үед эргэлзээ үүсдэг
C. Дуу хоолойн өнгөөр нь утга илэрхийлнэ
D. Цаг хугацаа их зарцуулдаг
Аман харилцааны давуу талыг буруу илэрхийлсэн ойлголт аль вэ?
A. Дохио зангаагаар хүч нэмж өгдөг
B. Цаг хугацаа их зарцуулдаг
C. Дуу хоолойн өнгөөр нь утга илэрхийлнэ
D. Хариу үйлдэл нь уян хатан байдаг
Монголчуудын мэндчилгээ нь олон төрөлтэй байдаг. “Сайхан зусаж байна уу” гэдэг нь монголчуудын мэндчилгээний аль төрөлд хамаарах вэ?
A. Баяр ёслолын мэндчилгээ
B. Улирлын чанартай мэндчилгээ
C. Өдөр тутмын мэндчилгээ
D. Ажил хөдөлмөрийн мэндчилгээ
Талуудын сонирхол, зорилго, эрх ашгийг хөндсөн санал зөрөлдөөн нь харилцан үйлдлийн аль хэлбэрт хамаарах вэ?
A. Хамтын ажиллагаа
B. Албадлага
C. Зөрчилдөөн
D. Өрсөлдөөн
Хүмүүс хоорондоо материаллаг ба материаллаг бус зүйлсийг солилцох үйл явц нь харилцан үйлдлийн аль хэлбэрт хамаарах вэ?
A. Албадлага
B. Зөрчилдөөн
C. Өрсөлдөөн
D. Солилцоо