ЭЕШ (Нийт: 13,274)

Х.Э чадамж
Танин мэдэхүйн түвшин:
Ү. нэгж
Суралцахуйн ҮД
Гүйцэтгэл Т
Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 48-р даалгавар

Гэмт хэрэгтнийг  илрүүлэх  шинжилгээ биологийн ямар салбар шинжлэх ухаан дээр үндэслэгдэн хийгддэг бэ?                                                                                                                             

  • A.


  • B.

    Дархлаа судлал

  • C.

    Молекул биологи

  • D.

    . Эмбриологи

  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 27-р даалгавар

Зарим цахилгаан соронзон долгионы төрлүүдийг долгионы уртын өсөх дарааллаар ЗӨВ байрлуулсан нь аль вэ?

  • A.

    радио долгион, үзэгдэх гэрэл, рентген туяа

  • B.

    радио долгион, рентген туяа, үзэгдэх гэрэл

  • C.

    рентген туяа, радио долгион, үзэгдэх гэрэл

  • D.

    үзэгдэх гэрэл, рентген туяа, радио долгион

  • E.

    рентген туяа, үзэгдэх гэрэл, радио долгион

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 32-р даалгавар

Хүний үсний хар өнгийг А , бор өнгийг а, буржгар хэлбэрийг В, шулуун хэлбэрийг b генүүд тус тус  илэрхийлдэг   бол АаВВ генотиптэй эмэгтэйн фенотипийг тодорхойлно уу.     

  • A.

    Бор, шулуун    

  • B.

    Хар,  шулуун

  • C.

    Үсний өнгө болон хэлбэр тодорхой бус   

  • D.

    Бор, буржгар 

  • E.

    Хар, буржгар

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 49-р даалгавар

Генийн технологийн аргаар гарган авсан инсулиныг  ямар өвчний үед хэрэглэдэг вэ?                

  • A.

    Томуу болон томуу төст өвчин

  • B.

    Чихрийн  шижин 

  • C.


  • D.

    Салхин цэцэг

  • E.

    Улаан бурхан

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 40-р даалгавар

The couple is _________ in France.

  • A.

    tired because they had lots to do

  • B.

    excited to have done some shopping

  • C.

    lazy because they have nothing left to do

  • D.

    quite happy spending time           

  • E.

    doing touristy things around Ollie’s aunt’s place 

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 29-р даалгавар

Жижигрэх хуваагдлын төгсгөлд үүссэн бластулын дотоод хөндийг   юу гэж нэрлэдэг вэ?   


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 39-р даалгавар

Dear Paul and Claire,

We are having a wonderful time here in France. The weather 37. _________ beautiful and we have lots of plans for now to spend the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow we’re going out on a glass-bottomed boat to 38. _________ the wonderful sea life, and then on Wednesday we think we’ll take a tour of the old town. Ollie’s aunt lives quite close, so we’re going to visit her too if we have time.

The hotel is lovely and lively and has lots of good night life. 39. _________ they’re holding an international evening, with lots of food from different countries.

As you know, we are here with our friends, John and Wendy, but they aren’t staying as long as us, we’ll probably do the really ‘touristy’ things with them, and be lazy in our second week. You can hire small sailing boats for the day, so we think we’re going to do that next week, and we’re also going to try to have time to do some shopping.

I hope you are ready for your big trip. You’ll love Australia. In fact, you’ll probably end up staying there much longer than you’ve planned.

Have a great time, and we’ll see you when you get back.

Love Kath and Ollie

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.

    At noon

  • D.

    Next morning

  • E.

    Last night

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 50-р даалгавар

50. Цагаан будааны ургамал чийгтэй орчинд ургах болсонтой холбоотой ямар эрхтэнд өвөрмөц дасан зохицол явагдсан вэ?                                               
1.     Үндэсний эсүүд анаэроб орчинд амьсгалах чадвартай.        2. Навч суккулент болсон.                                  3.  Үндэсний эсүүд аэроб орчинд амьсгалах чадвартай.        4. Навч шилмүүс болсон.
5.  Усан орчинд СО2 хангалтгүй нөхцөлд фотосинтез явуулах чадвартай.

  • A.

        3, 4    

  • B.

    1, 2  

  • C.

    2, 5

  • D.

    1, 5 

  • E.

    3, 5

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 2-р даалгавар

Нийлмэл бодисын ангилалд хамаарах эгнээг сонгоно уу.

  • A.

    H3PO4, MgOHCl, Cl2, CO2

  • B.

    Mg(OH)2, P4, H2SO4, BaCl2

  • C.

    H, FeO, O2, KCN

  • D.

    N2, Cr, O2, K+, HF     

  • E.

    HCl, NaOH, CaO, KNO3

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 38-р даалгавар

Dear Paul and Claire,

We are having a wonderful time here in France. The weather 37. _________ beautiful and we have lots of plans for now to spend the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow we’re going out on a glass-bottomed boat to 38. _________ the wonderful sea life, and then on Wednesday we think we’ll take a tour of the old town. Ollie’s aunt lives quite close, so we’re going to visit her too if we have time.

The hotel is lovely and lively and has lots of good night life. 39. _________ they’re holding an international evening, with lots of food from different countries.

As you know, we are here with our friends, John and Wendy, but they aren’t staying as long as us, we’ll probably do the really ‘touristy’ things with them, and be lazy in our second week. You can hire small sailing boats for the day, so we think we’re going to do that next week, and we’re also going to try to have time to do some shopping.

I hope you are ready for your big trip. You’ll love Australia. In fact, you’ll probably end up staying there much longer than you’ve planned.

Have a great time, and we’ll see you when you get back.

Love Kath and Ollie

  • A.

    look ahead

  • B.

    look up

  • C.

    look at

  • D.

    look after

  • E.

    look for

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 28-р даалгавар

Цэцгийн бүтцийн зургаас шадар эрхтэнг нэрлэнэ үү

  • A.

    5, 7      

  • B.

    3, 6          

  • C.

    1, 3          

  • D.

    6, 7               

  • E.

    2, 6

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 37-р даалгавар

Dear Paul and Claire,

We are having a wonderful time here in France. The weather 37. _________ beautiful and we have lots of plans for now to spend the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow we’re going out on a glass-bottomed boat to 38. _________ the wonderful sea life, and then on Wednesday we think we’ll take a tour of the old town. Ollie’s aunt lives quite close, so we’re going to visit her too if we have time.

The hotel is lovely and lively and has lots of good night life. 39. _________ they’re holding an international evening, with lots of food from different countries.

As you know, we are here with our friends, John and Wendy, but they aren’t staying as long as us, we’ll probably do the really ‘touristy’ things with them, and be lazy in our second week. You can hire small sailing boats for the day, so we think we’re going to do that next week, and we’re also going to try to have time to do some shopping.

I hope you are ready for your big trip. You’ll love Australia. In fact, you’ll probably end up staying there much longer than you’ve planned.

Have a great time, and we’ll see you when you get back.

Love Kath and Ollie

  • A.


  • B.

    had been 

  • C.

    have been

  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
A хувилбарын 1-р даалгавар

Хүхрийн атомын электрон хуваарилалтын бүдүүвчийг зөв илэрхийлсэн зураглалыг сонгоно уу.


  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 36-р даалгавар

Air pollution can be defined as the addition of something harmful to the air at faster rate than it can be absorbed. Everyone should be concerned about air pollution. It affects us all, and as it continues to worsen, so the environmental impact increases.

One of the major causes of air pollution in cities is car use. Cars are used for even the shortest of the journeys, and all efforts by governments to encourage people to use public transport seem to be failing. Industry is another major cause of pollution in our cities. But fortunately, new industrial sites are being built away from large urban centers. 

It is said that there are too many contributing factors for us to decide exactly which one is main problem, but I believe that one of the most serious problems that needs tackling is the use of the car. In some cities laws have been passed concerning car use. Athens, for example, only allows a certain number of cars into the city center each day. In my opinion, this is a good idea. With this kind of law, people have no choice and are forced to use buses and trains. This ensures governments know that public transport will be used and can therefore justify the investment and expense of ensuring the system works properly.

Another thing governments could do is to force people to have their cars checked for carbon emissions and fine people with cars that produce high level of harmful gases.

The word “fine” in the last line is closest in meaning to _________.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
B хувилбарын 1-р даалгавар

Цахиурын атомын электрон хуваарилалтын бүдүүвчийг зөв илэрхийлсэн зураглалыг сонгоно уу.

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 27-р даалгавар

Эр бэлгийн эсийн зургийг ажиглан өндгөн эсийн гадаад давхрааг хайлуулах үүрэгтэй фермент (энзим) агуулдаг хэсгийн дугаарыг  нэрлэнэ үү.              


  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 35-р даалгавар

Air pollution can be defined as the addition of something harmful to the air at faster rate than it can be absorbed. Everyone should be concerned about air pollution. It affects us all, and as it continues to worsen, so the environmental impact increases.

One of the major causes of air pollution in cities is car use. Cars are used for even the shortest of the journeys, and all efforts by governments to encourage people to use public transport seem to be failing. Industry is another major cause of pollution in our cities. But fortunately, new industrial sites are being built away from large urban centers. 

It is said that there are too many contributing factors for us to decide exactly which one is main problem, but I believe that one of the most serious problems that needs tackling is the use of the car. In some cities laws have been passed concerning car use. Athens, for example, only allows a certain number of cars into the city center each day. In my opinion, this is a good idea. With this kind of law, people have no choice and are forced to use buses and trains. This ensures governments know that public transport will be used and can therefore justify the investment and expense of ensuring the system works properly.

Another thing governments could do is to force people to have their cars checked for carbon emissions and fine people with cars that produce high level of harmful gases.

The pronoun “It” in bold and italics in the 2nd line refers to _________. 


  • A.


  • B.

    something harmful

  • C.


  • D.

    air pollution

  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 26-р даалгавар

Зургийг ажиглан дараах ургамал ямар хэлбэрээр үрждэг болохыг тодорхойлно уу.                 

  • A.

    ⦁    Бөөмийн олон дахин хуваагдах хуваагдал

  • B.

    ⦁    Спор үүсгэх

  • C.

    ⦁    Нахиалах

  • D.

    ⦁    Хэсэгчлэн хуваагдах

  • E.

    ⦁    Вегетатив

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 34-р даалгавар

Air pollution can be defined as the addition of something harmful to the air at faster rate than it can be absorbed. Everyone should be concerned about air pollution. It affects us all, and as it continues to worsen, so the environmental impact increases.

One of the major causes of air pollution in cities is car use. Cars are used for even the shortest of the journeys, and all efforts by governments to encourage people to use public transport seem to be failing. Industry is another major cause of pollution in our cities. But fortunately, new industrial sites are being built away from large urban centers. 

It is said that there are too many contributing factors for us to decide exactly which one is main problem, but I believe that one of the most serious problems that needs tackling is the use of the car. In some cities laws have been passed concerning car use. Athens, for example, only allows a certain number of cars into the city center each day. In my opinion, this is a good idea. With this kind of law, people have no choice and are forced to use buses and trains. This ensures governments know that public transport will be used and can therefore justify the investment and expense of ensuring the system works properly.

Another thing governments could do is to force people to have their cars checked for carbon emissions and fine people with cars that produce high level of harmful gases.

The writer supports Athens’ example that _________.

  • A.

    forced people to use cars in short distances

  • B.

    encouraged people to use the public transport   

  • C.

    passed a law cutting off the traffic in the country

  • D.

    gave no choice to people to use buses

  • E.

    allowed a good number of cars into the city center

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 24-р даалгавар

Зургийг ажиглан “А“ дугаартай дотоод шүүрлийн булчирхайнаас ялгарах дааврын  хэмжээ ихэсвэл ямар өвчин үүсэх вэ?      



  • A.

    ⦁    Аддисон

  • B.

    ⦁    Базед

  • C.

    ⦁    Базед

  • D.

    ⦁    Үргүйдэл

  • E.

    ⦁    Салст хаван

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 33-р даалгавар

Air pollution can be defined as the addition of something harmful to the air at faster rate than it can be absorbed. Everyone should be concerned about air pollution. It affects us all, and as it continues to worsen, so the environmental impact increases.

One of the major causes of air pollution in cities is car use. Cars are used for even the shortest of the journeys, and all efforts by governments to encourage people to use public transport seem to be failing. Industry is another major cause of pollution in our cities. But fortunately, new industrial sites are being built away from large urban centers. 

It is said that there are too many contributing factors for us to decide exactly which one is main problem, but I believe that one of the most serious problems that needs tackling is the use of the car. In some cities laws have been passed concerning car use. Athens, for example, only allows a certain number of cars into the city center each day. In my opinion, this is a good idea. With this kind of law, people have no choice and are forced to use buses and trains. This ensures governments know that public transport will be used and can therefore justify the investment and expense of ensuring the system works properly.

Another thing governments could do is to force people to have their cars checked for carbon emissions and fine people with cars that produce high level of harmful gases.

What is the passage mainly about?

  • A.

    It is about seeking ways to reduce air pollution.

  • B.

    It is about the effects of air pollution.

  • C.

    It is about the cars that pollute the air.

  • D.

    It is about passing laws concerning car use.

  • E.

    It is about the causes that leads to air pollution.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 23-р даалгавар

Фотосинтезийн үйл явцыг зөв илэрхийлсэн өгүүлбэрийг сонгоно уу?

  • A.

    ⦁    Үндэсний үсэнцрийн эсүүдээр ус, давс, навчны амсрын эсүүдээр нүүрсхүчлийн хий авч, зөвхөн хүчилтөрөгч үүснэ.

  • B.

    ⦁    Гэрэлтэй шат нь хлоропластын тилакойдын мембранд явагдаж НАД үүснэ.

  • C.

    ⦁    Харанхуй шат нь хлоропластын стромд  явагдаж нүүрс ус үүснэ

  • D.

    ⦁    Хлоропласт улбар шар нөсөө агуулж 38 молекул ГФА үүснэ

  • E.

    ⦁    Хромопласт хлорофиллийн мөхлөг агуулж  ФАД үүснэ

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 32-р даалгавар

Susan: This neighborhood sure has changed!

Denis: I know. A few years ago, not many people lived here. But the population is growing so fast these days.

Susan: Yeah. It seems like there is a construction site on every corner.

Denis: Remember how we used to buy candy at that little grocery store? Now it’s a multiplex cinema.

Susan: Yeah, and they are tearing down our high school. They are going to build a shopping mall. Soon, there will be just malls and parking lots.

Denis: That’s because everyone has a car! Fifty years ago, people walked everywhere. Nowadays, they drive.

Denis is _________ about the place.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 22-р даалгавар

Навчны бүтэц фотосинтез явуулахад үүрэгтэйгээ хэрхэн зохицсон байдаг вэ? 

1. Навчны илтэс хавтгай, нимгэн болсон.
2. Навчны баганан эсүүд олон тооны хлоропласт агуулна.
3. Навч салаалсан судлуудтай.
4. Навчны амсрын эсүүд доод гадаргууд байрладаг.
5. Навчны амсрын эсүүд дээд гадаргууд байрладаг

  • A.

    1. 3. 4. 5            

  • B.

    1. 2. 3. 5           

  • C.

    2. 3. 4. 5             

  • D.

    1. 2. 3. 4               

  • E.

    1. 2. 4. 5

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 21-р даалгавар

Глюкозын задралын  үед цитоплазмд хэдэн молекул  ГФА үүсэх вэ?   

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 20-р даалгавар

Глюкозын задралын гликолизын процесс эсийн ямар эрхтэнцэрт явагддаг вэ?

  • A.

    Митохондрийн крист         

  • B.

    Митохондрийн матрикс   

  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 31-р даалгавар

Susan: This neighborhood sure has changed!

Denis: I know. A few years ago, not many people lived here. But the population is growing so fast these days.

Susan: Yeah. It seems like there is a construction site on every corner.

Denis: Remember how we used to buy candy at that little grocery store? Now it’s a multiplex cinema.

Susan: Yeah, and they are tearing down our high school. They are going to build a shopping mall. Soon, there will be just malls and parking lots.

Denis: That’s because everyone has a car! Fifty years ago, people walked everywhere. Nowadays, they drive.

Susan is _________ to see the changes in the neighborhood.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 19-р даалгавар

Монгол улсын хүн амыг бүрэн хамруулахаар төлөвлөсөн  вакцинжуулалтын товлолд ямар өвчнүүдийн эсрэг вакцин багтдаг вэ?         

1. Сахуу, татран          2. Халдварт саа       3. Улаан бурхан        4. С гепатит           5. Урвах тахал  


  • A.

    1. 3. 4             

  • B.

    1. 2. 4  

  • C.

    2. 3. 4            

  • D.

    1. 2. 3           

  • E.

    3. 4. 5

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 30-р даалгавар

Helen likes guys who are _________.

  • A.

    sociable and kind

  • B.

    not hard-working but talkative

  • C.

    easy-going and funny

  • D.

    outgoing and quiet

  • E.

    friendly and smart

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 18-р даалгавар

Эмгэгтөрөгчийн дархлаа төрүүлэх чанарыг хадгалж, хоруу чанарыг бууруулан хувиргасан биологийн идэвхтэй бодисыг юу гэж нэрлэдэг вэ?

  • A.


  • B.

    Эсрэг бие

  • C.

    . Витамин

  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 29-р даалгавар

David: Do you have a date for the party yet?

Helen: 28. _________… Do you know anyone I could go with?

David: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like?

Helen: Oh, I like guys who aren’t too serious and who have a good sense humor. You know, someone like you. 

David: OK. Uh, what else?

Helen: Well, I’d prefer someone I have something in common with – who I can talk to easily.

David: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him?

Helen: 29. _________

David: OK, I’ll ask him to meet us for coffee, and you can tell me what you think.

  • A.

    Who is Bob?

  • B.

    Yes, I know about Bob.

  • C.

    Yes, I talked to him.

  • D.

    No, I don’t think so.

  • E.

    No, I don’t like him.

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 17-р даалгавар

БЗДХ-уудыг нэрлэнэ үү?

А. ХДХВ/ДОХ        2. Заг хүйтэн    3. Тэмбүү        4. Сүрьеэ                  5. Боом


  • A.

    3. 4. 5               

  • B.

    1. 3. 4            

  • C.

    2. 3. 4           

  • D.

    1. 2. 5  

  • E.

    1. 2. 3              

Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 28-р даалгавар

David: Do you have a date for the party yet?

Helen: 28. _________… Do you know anyone I could go with?

David: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like?

Helen: Oh, I like guys who aren’t too serious and who have a good sense humor. You know, someone like you. 

David: OK. Uh, what else?

Helen: Well, I’d prefer someone I have something in common with – who I can talk to easily.

David: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him?

Helen: 29. _________

David: OK, I’ll ask him to meet us for coffee, and you can tell me what you think.

  • A.

    Actually, I don’t.

  • B.

    No, can you go with me?

  • C.

    Yes, I want to know.

  • D.

    I don’t know yet.

  • E.

    Actually, I have.

Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 16-р даалгавар

Вирусээр халдварладаг өвчнийг нэрлэнэ үү?

  • A.


  • B.

    Заг хүйтэн

  • C.


  • D.

    Халдварт шар            

  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 15-р даалгавар

Хүмүүсийн тамхинд донтох  шалтгааныг та  ямар бодистой холбон тайлбарлах вэ?               

  • A.

    Тамхины бохь

  • B.


  • C.

    Нүүрсний дан исэл

  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 14-р даалгавар

Дараах зургаас уушгинд хийн солилцоо явуулдаг, хялгасан судсаар баялаг, 350 тэрбум орчим тоотой   байдаг бүтцийн хэсгийн дугаарыг олно уу?

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 1 Минут: 1
C хувилбарын 50-р даалгавар

Чийгтэй нөхцөлд ургахад хамгийн сайн  дасан зохицсон таримал ургамлыг нэрлэнэ үү

  • A.

    Улаан буудай

  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    Цагаан будаа     

  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 27-р даалгавар

________ --- fold

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 12-р даалгавар

Төмсний ургамал ургах явцад гэрэл нийлэгжилтийн үед үүссэн глюкоз цардуул болж хувиран, газрын доорх булцуунд нөөцлөгдөхийн тулд ямар дамжуулах эдээр зөөвөрлөгддөг вэ?   

  • A.

    Үндэсний үсэнцэр          

  • B.

    Үндэсний дугтуй

  • C.

    Долон (флоэм)-гийн шигшүүрт хоолой     

  • D.

    Модлог (ксилем)-ийн гуурс      

  • E.


Оноо: 2 Минут: 1
D хувилбарын 26-р даалгавар

________ --- engage

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


  • E.


Нийт: 13,274